On 16/02/2013 06:24, David Seikel wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 19:50:22 +0000 Nathan Baxter
> <nathanbax...@pixelmasochist.net> wrote:
>> On 14/02/2013 18:51, Steven Le Roux wrote:
>>> There is
>>> @enlightenmentfr
>>> @edevel
>>> But the wall feed can just look for (#efl, #evas, #ecore, #e17,
>>> #e18,...) hashtags. It's more useful to show the life of the
>>> project, libs, etc...
>> Good call!
>>> Maybe you could replace xml by Yaml ?which is more readable (even
>>> if, ok this template is clear...).
>> I'll look into yaml and check back with you on that.
>>>    I agree too on the fact we don't need a CMS
>>> with database etc. We will maybe have to add some simple feature to
>>> this template like blockquotes, etc...
>> Agreed! :)
>>>    I have to check the existing template
>>> engine, but maybe just a tag in <newsItem> could match a CSS entry
>>> to make it blockquoted. Or just write html inside <newsItem>
>>> tags... don't know yet... what do you think ?
>> The current page generator needs a lot of work on the output front.
>> This is why I want to build the image files first. That'll give me
>> the starting point for what needs to be added. Tables are bad and
>> should never, ever and not even then be used for layout.
> I've said it before, and I'll say it again, there is nothing actually
> WRONG with HTML tables except for prejudice against them.  And sometimes
> a simple table is actually needed for layout coz otherwise it just gets
> too complex and fails when trying to avoid tables.  For everything you
> can show where non table use is better, I can show you multiple browsers
> where tables will be the only thing that works.

Tables don't work when you need sections to break apart, if an entire 
site is based on a tabled layout it simply won't work on a mobile device 
as it'll keep the original layout when the layout needs to change. 
There's far too many things you have to do to tables to get things to 
look correct like adding more tables within tables and divs within tds 
to fix padding and alignment issues.

> Reminds me of the people that said "Goto is bad and should never, ever
> and not even then be used.".  EFL code is full of goto's, I don't use
> them myself, but prefer nested if's.  Though apparently nested if's is
> really really bad, and some people have replaced my nested if's with
> goto's just coz.  You can't win, one or the other has to be used, but
> one or the other group thinks the other is really really bad.  I don't
> think goto's are bad, I just tend to not use them much, unless doing
> assembly, where they are pretty much mandatory.
> Recently it seems that the other sort of software table, the
> spreadsheet, or two dimensional array of cells, has gone out of favour
> and is starting to be called bad things.  People invent all sorts of
> crazy things, and even call them fancy names to pretend they are not
> really tables, coz "table" is just old fashioned, really bad, and never
> ever needed any more.  Guess what?  Tables are sometimes the PERFECT
> thing you need.  Avoiding them out of fashion makes no sense.

There's nothing better than using a table to display data, that's what 
they do better than anything.

> It's really all about personal style, there's nothing actually wrong
> with any of these things.  So saying that they are bad is just wrong.
> Saying something is bad just coz it's not fashionable is completely
> wrong.

It's not for the sake of being cool. Tables are great for data, but 
absolutely no good for page layout, they are too constrictive.

> On the other hand, you are doing this work, not me, so you can apply
> your own rules of coding style.  Just don't say something is bad simply
> coz you don't like them personally, or coz it's fashionable to say so.
> Remember, it was fashionable to bag goto's once as being really really
> bad, but compilers reduce all the fancy ways of not using goto's to
> goto's anyway.  shrugs

Again, I'm really not down on tables because I think that's what the 
President wants, there are far better ways to create decent layouts 
without them, it's the reliance on tables that most people are down on. 
They have their place, layout is not that place.

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