> Just as a point of interest, my experiments with using LuaJIT in EFL

> found that the Lua stuff itself is threadsafe so long as we use a
> thread safe memory allocator, which LuaJIT itself provides.  The memory
> allocator we currently use in Edje Lua is not thread safe.  I've been
> meaning to ask, do we have a threadsafe memory allocator in Eina?
> You are correct though, the rest of EFL is not as thread safe.  My
> LuaJIT experiments involved enough message passing to deal with the
> "marshall all your bob calls back to the mainloop" you mentioned.

Well, it doesn't sound that bad. Did you mean the sentence """My LuaJIT
experiments involved enough message passing to deal with the "marshall all
your bob calls back to the mainloop" you mentioned.""" like you've done
enough message passing testing to rigorously state the only problem with
Edje is its thread-unsafe memory allocator?

-- Jan Pacner
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