I just wanted to add my little bit into this, worthless as it may be...

Peole like slashdot etc etc have to start distancing themselves from the term
"hacker" or redefine it to hopefully keep the packs of corporate lawyers out
there from descending upon them like locusts.  Let's face it, the last couple
of years have shown that instead of fair use laws being upheld, the act of
hacking a DVD player to run under *nix or anything without paying a liscensing
fee to some person is illegal.  Anyone remember Divx?  It came and went
quickly, but the concept of physically owning media but still paying-per-view
is here to stay.  One could be almost considered a "hacker" by some because
they run linux-- Those open-sourcers have to obtain proprietary knowledge
about hardware to make it run for free.  The corporations are not above any
method of destroying fair use of hardware by villifying the same people who
put the work in to make the hardware work in the first place(programmers).
Just like every other industry, the creative process is subverted by the
corporates in the name of market share and profit.

It boils down to "You know more about computers than I do -- Therefore you're
a (cr)(h)acker and should be punished"
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