Jan Steinman via EV wrote:
Yea, I forgot the part where I put the whole thing inside a section of 
fiberglass cross-country ski pole. That should contain the shrapnel, and I 
shrink-wrap the fiberglass to the main conductor, which hopefully keeps it from 
contacting ground.

Have you tried testing your homemade fuse to be sure it actually works? Make one, and short it across the pack to be sure it blows (and so you can see what happens when it does).

Most of the cost of fuses is not for the materials, but for the testing!

If you would not be forgotten
When your body's dead and rotten
Then write of great deeds worth the reading
Or do these great deeds, worth repeating.
        -- Ben Franklin, from Poor Richard's Almanac
Lee Hart's EV projects are at http://www.sunrise-ev.com/LeesEVs.htm
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