On Oct 2, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Collin Kidder via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> It is very common. People buy cars with a salvage title and fix them.

Exactly -- the car basically becomes a kit and / or homemade car...very much 
like the overwhelming majority of EVs owned by the people reading these words, 
save that the sleds might or might not have had quite so dramatic an history.

It's also worth noting that a salvage title only happens when the car is 
"totaled" by the insurance company: when the cost to repair is more than the 
value the car is insured for. That can happen from cosmetic damage, or from 
damage limited to an easily-repairable but expensive part, like an engine. For 
example, try to drive the car across a flooded wash, suck water into the 
intake, and the engine is dead...but the rest of the car may well still be in 
perfect condition. Insurance might not be willing to pay the price to replace 
the engine, and the owner might not care to, either, so the car is 
totaled...but somebody else might even have a perfectly-serviceable engine 
sitting on the shelf and be happy to drop it into the car and drive away.

And, think about it: wouldn't one of the ultimate DIY EV projects be to 
resurrect one of the flagship commercial models? Ignoring this remote-disable 
nonsense, who _wouldn't_ want a Tesla? Imagine some pimply-faced teenager 
scouring the junkyard for the hotrod of her dreams, towing it home, and 
bringing it back to life over the course of the next year or so with money she 
saves from her job as a clerk at the auto parts store. How is what this guy is 
trying to do any different?

...except, of course, that Tesla took the keys, still has them, and won't give 
them up, and designed the car in such a way that you can't reasonably replace 
the lock without their help that they won't give.

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