On Oct 15, 2014, at 10:04 AM, Peter Gabrielsson via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 

> As for cellphones the real limiter on how fast you can recharge tends to be
> the connector, cables and power supply.

Cars, too. 10 kWh / minute is 600 kilowatts, a most impressive power transfer 
rate. That's going to be a significant fraction of your neighborhood's total 
average power draw -- all for just one car to charge at that rate (though, of 
course, only for a few minutes).

If that's going to be how we charge our cars, we're going to need at least 
twice as many batteries: one set in the car as today, and then another set at 
the charging station that slow-charges at whatever rate its grid tie can handle 
-- and that then fast-discharges into the car's battery. Charging stations will 
still have massive underground storage, only full of batteries rather than 
gasoline tanks.

...though the electric utilities might actually find something like that 
desirable. The same stations that charge cars could provide peaking power back 
to the grid. At least today it'd be a very expensive capital investment, but 
the operational costs would be trivial to today's peaking generators. If the 
companies think they can make an offsetting profit by becoming the new "gas" 
stations, it could well happen.

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