But just setting a goal to produce "carbon free hydrogen" is still just
snake oil, hog wash that can never compete with EVs.


> > On Dec 20, 2018, at 5:37 PM, Mark Abramowitz <ma...@enviropolicy.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Some of you know that I’ve been an advocate for BEVs for a number of
> decades, and of hydrogen fuel cell EVs (the “other” electric vehicle) for a
> bit less.
> >
> > In my day job, I recommend and advocate major funding of both battery
> electrics and hydrogen fuel cell applications.
> >
> > One of my many volunteer roles (“working for free” as Bruce would put
> it) is serving as Immediate Past Chair of the California Hydrogen Business
> Council.
> >
> > As some of you may know, the renewable content of hydrogen used in
> transportation exceeds that of the grid. And the industry itself is on a
> path of 100% carbon-free hydrogen .
> >
> > Not long ago, the Hydrogen Council, made up of the CEOs of leaders in
> the industry, released a formal policy supporting 100% carbon-free in
> transportation hydrogen by 2030. This is 15 years before the 100%
> carbon-free grid date of 2045 adopted by the California legislature.
> >
> > Tomorrow a release will go out announcing the support of this policy by
> the California Hydrogen Business Council.
> >
> > The adopted language follows.  For those of you who have completely
> misstated the facts, though intentionally, I hope that you will read it
> carefully.
> >
> > December 18, 2018
> >
> > CHBC Endorses Full Decarbonization Goal of Hydrogen in Transportation by
> 2030
> >
> > The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) on behalf of its members
> is pleased to endorse the commitment of the Hydrogen Council to the goal of
> decarbonizing 100% of hydrogen fuel used in transport by 2030.
> >
> > The goal was announced by the Hydrogen Council on September 14, 2018 at
> the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, hosted by Governor Brown:
> >
> > “The Hydrogen Council, a global CEO coalition bringing together 50+
> leaders in the energy, transport and industry space, is committed to an
> ambitious goal of ensuring that 100% of hydrogen fuel used in different
> modes of transportation is decarbonised by 2030. We are therefore calling
> on governments to build a global alliance that will create the necessary
> regulatory frameworks to help make this commitment a reality. Transport may
> be our first target, but with right level of support we will see positive
> effects across many sectors. We believe hydrogen can play a key role in the
> clean energy transition and we are ready to work together with governments
> to help create the right technical, financial and legislative environment
> that will enable decarbonised hydrogen to scale up.”
> >
> > Through this commitment to the 2030 goal, hydrogen for transportation
> can achieve full decarbonization 15 years ahead of the SB 100 mandate of
> 100% carbon-free electricity by 2045.  Attainment of the stated goal of
> 100% carbon-free hydrogen fuel by 2030 will maintain the position of
> hydrogen fuel cell electric drive as the lowest-carbon alternative among
> electric drive solutions.
> > The hydrogen industry is committed to helping California dramatically
> reduce emissions despite increasing transportation demand by providing a
> clean fuel that has proven itself in both on- and off-road applications and
> is emerging as an important alternative to diesel in marine, rail and port
> applications.
> >
> >
> > - Mark
> >
> > Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone
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