Hi Robert and All,             I'm starting a solar shed business, as 
movable cuts a lot of permitting, engineering, etc costs of a roof version, and 
checking with my utility, TECO,  a net metering meter is free which reminds me 
I need to order one installed to test, demonstrate  my systems as almost ready. 
 Sadly my property is old oak forest so solar, wind  not viable.             If 
I can get a return call for tech details  there are great new inverters out 
there that control solar, EV charging, back up generator, grid tie, home 
battery charging.               If it has changeable battery voltage high, low 
limits you can just hook up Volt modules to them as a low cost  powerwall type. 
 GroWatt is one that might.          So check with your utility as you might be 
pleasantly surprised like I was. If a bad utility, start working to change it.  
Remember every town, etc almost has every 20 yrs or so has  the right to change 
utilities during right of way lease contact talks.           With that the 
right of way holders can get whatever they want like 100% clean power over a 
short time or start their own co-op, muni,  microgrids, etc.         Those in 
Florida cost 30% less that IOU/investor owned utilities that don't have the 
corporate parasites cost, just a few members part time board to oversee things 
and some subcontrators that do the billing, grid, etc work..          All my 
lightweight EVs have always been V2H as a back up generator along with a home 
pack and some panels I can throw up if I need more than 2 days my EVs, home 
pack provides.          Don't know if mentioned  a solar inverter  can turn 
your DIY EV into net metering just picking  one that fits the voltage and using 
timers, etc to control it depending on your power rate schedule, needs.         
     Jerry Dycus
    On Monday, May 25, 2020, 01:02:38 PM PDT, Willie via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 

On 5/25/20 2:47 PM, Lee Hart via EV wrote:
> Robert Bruninga via EV wrote:
>> all meters except NET meters will charge you kWh no matter
>> which way the disk goes.
> ...except for the old mechanical meters, which ran backwards when you 
> generated power. The utilities have "fixed" that little problem with 
> their smart-aleck meters.

One of my neighbors has long contended that the utility charged absolute 
value of energy flow.  Just as Robert contends.  The neighbor adopted 
the strategy of trying to never over produce; that is use all PV energy 
onsite rather than feeding the grid.  With my first meter, I found that 
to be not true and never tried to restrain my over production.  I could 
watch the wheel come to a stop and then rotate the other direction as my 
PV power increased.  I never had the patience to try to read the 
rotating digits.  I first came to the attention of my utility when I 
started having a day or more of excess production and my meter readings 
declined from day to day rather than increased.  THEN, they put in a two 
way meter that had accumulators for power both directions.

I'm sure there is a lot of variability from utility to utility and with 
the meters that they use.  But, I believe Robert's statement is 
incorrect for at least some cases.

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