Watch the digits!  Yes even in Smart meters, the Disk WILL go backwards,
but the count will always go up.  Even in Mechanical meters for the last 30
years, there is differential gear that will only push the count up no
matter which way the disk goes.

I also did not take the time to watch the digits... and I paid for the kWh
going backwards AND forwards.  When my array was inspected tested and
approved by the utility they scheduled the installation of a net meter
three weeks away.  So I tested it myself and noticed that the disk would go
backwards when I was producing and so I figured I'd flipp the switch on
till the meter came.

About when the meter came, I got my electric bill and instead of a near
zero bill, my routine $200 february monthly electric bill DOUBLED to $400
because the meter added both directions to kWh (and did not subtract during
production like a NET meter does).

I paid the bill and ate my hat.

In the spring and fall and no one is home during the day, when only the
refrigerator is running, it only runs half the time as it cycles on and
off.  And when off, the sum of all the phantom loads of my house is only
about 200W or so (one solar panel).  So when the 8 kW of solar panels (40
of them) are producing the meter is running backwards faster than I have
ever seen it forward.  So there simply is no way to play grid-tie of any
value unless you have a net meter.  Just get one and you are good for
life.  Then you can plug any source of energy into any outlet and back feed
all you want without worry.

Even air conditioners and heaters cycle on and off.  My conclusion is that
the most solar panels you can grid tie witout a net meter is only about
TWO.  Otherwise they will overproduce when no one is home when thigns have
cycled off and you will just be paying the uti8lity instead of getting the


> One of my neighbors has long contended that the utility charged absolute

> value of energy flow.  Just as Robert contends.  The neighbor adopted
> the strategy of trying to never over produce; that is use all PV energy
> onsite rather than feeding the grid.  With my first meter, I found that
> to be not true and never tried to restrain my over production.  I could
> watch the wheel come to a stop and then rotate the other direction as my
> PV power increased.  I never had the patience to try to read the
> rotating digits.  I first came to the attention of my utility when I
> started having a day or more of excess production and my meter readings
> declined from day to day rather than increased.  THEN, they put in a two
> way meter that had accumulators for power both directions.
> I'm sure there is a lot of variability from utility to utility and with
> the meters that they use.  But, I believe Robert's statement is
> incorrect for at least some cases.
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