How about an answer more like, "my primary car is the EV. A few times a year, I need to go further than its range, so I use car X." Deflect the question, like a "good" politician :)

We have the Leaf (2011) and it is our primary car. Even with its horribly degraded range, it is almost exclusively used on a day to day basis. (Still, only accounts for 1/2 the overall mileage since the other vehicle is used for long range stuff.)


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------ Original Message ------
From: "Mr. Sharkey via EV" <>
Cc: "Mr. Sharkey" <>
Sent: 09-Jul-20 12:53:40 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] LiFePO4

> 90% of my driving is local, 90% of my driving is EV.
> That's not 100%; but the perfect is the enemy of the good.
> I'm not willing to pay the Tesla premium
> for a perfect 100% EV solution.

If more people realized this, more of them would purchase EV's.

I'm frequently asked by interested people about my car's range. Answering with 
a mileage figure is always a disappointment for them. They expect a sound byte 
answer that will satisfy all their driving needs. Anything less is a complete 
denial of the usefulness of the vehicle.

It takes longer to explain that the car fulfills a large percentage of my 
commuting and hauling needs. If it's snowing, or I need to tow a trailer, or 
climb to a mountain-top transmitter site, I take my 4x4 pickup ICE. If I need 
to take off for a weekend at a friend's beach house, and need more range and 
speed, I take my diesel Rabbit. Is the EV a perfect solution to every need? No, 
no tool ever is. I insure three vehicles, which is the downside to having a 
wide range of transportation needs. That's my penalty for having an active 
life. Renting and ICE for those times the EV won't serve would make a lot of 
sense, if there was such a service available locally.

Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA (

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