Hi Roberto,

Am 11.03.2009 um 14:49 schrieb Roberto Allende:
Then... considering what the communication people say, do you think that if we use Content Management Event or Day, instead of Plone could be better in terms of communication ?.

Do you have any other suggestion instead ?, i repeat, the goal is to use a title that someone who doesn't know what Plone is, can get an idea about what the event is.

I'm asking and considering this to make the experiment at a local level. This is not a proposal to change the name.

I won't change the name to indicate that this is a Plone event. I don't like to camouflage this.

But in Germany we are going to have a motto for our WPDs "Wir bringen Schulen ans Netz" what means that we are planning to make a school website during the WPD for one school in each town. At the end of the day the result is presented to the audience. This idea came up to have a broader audience but I think that a motto might help to clarify what you are going to de.


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