On 3/11/2009 9:49 AM, Roberto Allende wrote:
Then... considering what the communication people say, do you think that if we use Content Management Event or Day, instead of Plone could be better in terms of communication ?.

People who don't know what Plone is also don't know what content management is. And if you've heard of content management, you've probably heard of Plone. At least, that's my experience.

So I don't know that an alternative name change leaving out the Plone brand helps those people who don't know what content management is, or those who do.

WPD might need a secondary slogan to communicate what Plone is to those people who don't know what Plone *or* content management is, though.

In simplest terms, what a CMS does is help people get their content on the web quickly.

The word "content," however, is kind of jargon-y for most people. When I use the word "content" with people who don't know what Content Management is, their eyes just glaze over. And that's most people. Who need content management. And don't know it yet.

Additionally, content is a means to and ends. Content is something you want to communicate to people. And that's what a CMS really does. It *communicates* content. On the web. And people understand what the words "communicate" and "web" mean without having to understand the context of what content management is.

So I would just suggest the title, with a secondary slogan like:

World Plone Day: Communicate on the Web


World Plone Day: Quick Web Communications

(I like the first one because it manages expectations. I find it really important to manage expectations up front when doing a marketing event.)

You could incorporate that into your logo as well. Just put "Communicate on the Web" below the logo in smaller type. Or encircle the logo with that secondary slogan. I'm not really good with that part. I'm sure somebody can figure that out.

It tells people, hey, I'm going to an event that will help me communicate on the web. (Possibly quickly.) And that's really what people want Plone for.

And it tells people what Plone is even better than an elevator speech.

So, yes, I think explaining that Plone helps you communicate on the web is an good thing to communicate.

On the web. :)


Chris Calloway
office: 332 Chapman Hall   phone: (919) 599-3530
mail: Campus Box #3300, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599

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