What about those giving lightning talks?

I can make an Impress presentation, but wouldn't that take away time from a 
talk? I'm probably missing something obvious.


On Fri, Jan 21, 2005 at 03:55:47PM +0800, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
> Hello
> Prompted by Jean, I have uploaded an Impress template to the OOoRegiCon 
> web site, see: 
> http://marketing.openoffice.org/conference/regicon/oooregicontemplate.sxi
> Some speakers have indicated that they would prefer to provide a paper 
> instead of or in addition to your presentation slides. You may consider 
> this, as there will be many more people viewing the website than is able 
> to attend OOoRegiCon.
> Please can you send me (jacqueline AT openoffice.org) your presentation 
> and or paper to be uploaded to the OOoRegiCon website BEFORE you travel 
> to OOoRegCon. The most often asked question at OOoCon was, "when will 
> the xyz presentation be available on the web site?". If I have them 
> ready to upload at the completion of OOoRegiCon, I don't think we can do 
> better than that :)
> Remember also, that all speakers need to complete and sign the Linspire 
> Speaker Release Agreement 
> (http://marketing.openoffice.org/conference/regicon/Speaker_Agreement.pdf).
> Many of you, the volunteers are speakers, so those of you that are not 
> speaking I would like to ask whether you could look after your speakers. 
> Perhaps it may be worthwhile setting up a buddy system, so every speaker 
> has a buddy. Ryan is MC, but I think it is always helpful to have a 
> speaker buddy and or roady so that all the speaker has to do is get 
> there and someone else looks after the timing, equipment etc. Just a 
> thought.
> Regards
> Jacqueline

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