At 2:39 PM -0800 3/28/02, Hal Finney wrote:
>Bill Jefferys, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, writes:
>>  >>  Ockham's razor is a consequence of probability theory, if you look at
>>  >  > things from a Bayesian POV, as I do.
>>  This is well known in Bayesian circles as the Bayesian Ockham's
>>  Razor. A simple discussion is found in the paper that Jim Berger and
>>  I wrote:
>This is an interesting paper, however it uses a slightly unusual
>interpretation of Ockham's Razor.  Usually this is stated as that the
>simpler theory is preferred, or as your paper says, "an explanation of
>the facts should be no more complicated than is necessary."  However the
>bulk of your paper seems to use a different definition, which is that
>the simpler theory is the one which is more easily falsified and which
>makes sharper predictions.
>I think most people have an intuitive sense of what "simpler" means, and
>while being more easily falsified frequently means being simpler, they
>aren't exactly the same.  It is true that a theory with many parameters
>is both more complex and often less easily falsified, because it has more
>knobs to tweak to try to match the facts.  So the two concepts often do
>go together.
>But not always.  You give the example of a strongly biased coin being
>a simpler hypothesis than a fair coin.  I don't think that is what
>most people mean by "simpler".  If anything, the fair coin seems like
>a simpler hypothesis (by the common meaning) since a biased coin has a
>parameter to tweak, the degree of bias.

Depends on whether you know the degree of bias. If you are choosing 
between a two-headed coin and a fair coin, the two-headed coin is 
simpler since it can explain only one outcome, whereas a fair coin 
would be consistent with any outcome. On the other hand, if you don't 
know the bias, then between a fair coin and a coin with unknown bias, 
the fair coin is simpler. This automatically pops out when you do the 

>By equating "simpler" with "more easily falsified" you are able to tie it
>into the Bayesian paradigm, which essentially deals with falsifiability.
>A more easily falsified theory gets a Bayesian boost when it happens to
>be correct, because that was a priori unlikely.  But I don't think you
>can legitimately say that this is a Bayesian version of Ockham's Razor,
>because you have to use this rather specialized definition of simple,
>which is more restricted than what people usually mean when they are
>discussing Ockham.

Regardless, it is called the Bayesian Ockham's razor in the 
literature; I will agree that there are some differences between it 
and the "philosopher's" Ockham's razor, and Jim and I (and other 
Bayesians) don't claim otherwise. The interesting thing is that a 
Bayesian approach automatically penalizes models with more parameters 
relative to those with fewer parameters. It does not rely on _ad 


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