I disagree. You can only get an effect like this if the RSSA is
invalid. You've been on this list long enough to remember the big
debates about RSSA vs ASSA. I believe the ASSA is actually contrary to
experience - but never mind - in order to get the effect you want you
would need an SSA that is neither RSSA nor ASSA, but something *much*


Saibal Mitra wrote:
> There have been many replies to this. I would say that you wouldn't expect
> to survive such accidents.
> Assume that we are sampled from a probability distribution over a set of
> possible states. E.g. in eternal inflation theories all possible quantum
> states the observable universe can be in are all realized, so all possible
> situations you can be in, do occur with some finite probability. In such
> theories you ''always'' exist.
> But this doesn't mean that if you are Mohammed Atta saying your prayer just
> before impact with the WTC, your next experience is that the plane has
> tunneled through the WTC without doing any harm. This is because there are
> many more Mohammed Attas in the universe that do not have this experience.
> So, you would ''survive'', but in a different branch with memory loss plus
> some aditional ''false'' memories. In that branch you wouldn't have been in
> that plane to begin with.
> You should think of yourself at any time as if you were chosen by a random
> generator sampled from a fixed probability distribution over the set of all
> possible states you can be in. The state that corresponds to you have
> experienced flying through the WTC is assigned an extremely small
> probability.
> How does this square with the normal experience of continuity through time?
> Well, every ''observer moment'' as chosen by the random generator has a
> memory of  past experiences. So, if you go to bed now and wake up the next
> morning, you have the feeling of continuity, but this is only because the
> person waking up has the memory of going to bed.
> You could just as well say that the person going to bed survives in any one
> of the possible states he can be in. The state that happens to have the
> memory of going to bed is just one of these possible states. That particular
> state has the illusion of being the continuation of the first state.
> ---- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
> Van: "David Kwinter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Verzonden: Friday, October 31, 2003 02:58 AM
> Onderwerp: Quantum accident survivor
> > Another quickie:
> >
> > Assume I survive a car/plane crash which we assume could have many
> > different quantum outcomes including me (dead || alive)
> >
> > Since I was the same person (entire life history) up until the
> > crash/quantum 'branch' - then can't I assume that since there was at
> > least one outcome where I survived, that TO ME I will always survive
> > other such life/death branches?
> >
> > Furthermore if I witness a crash where someone dies can I assume that
> > the victim will survive in their own "world" so far as at least one
> > quantum branch of survivability seems possible?
> >
> >
> > David Kwinter
> >
> >

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