Thanks for all of the suggestions, past and future.
I will be reading the paper by Guariga and Vilenkin
In this case finding the correct level to present at is about as
difficult as compuring certain measures.I tend to be at a higher level
than most of the audience can easily understand, but in some cases it
generates thoughtful questions and prehaps gets some of them to think
hard about the subject matter..
I should add that this is for a US audience in Las Vegas.
I have problems discussing level III, because I tend to discribe it as
a single Universe with an infinte number of branching points.

On Jul 8, 11:02 am, "John Mikes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ronald,
> I put in my tuppence only because your audience is from Sci-Fi, I am not a
> physicists and have different ideas from most physicist members of this
> list. I guess your audience will be German, so they may accept that there is
> no 'evidence' of a Multiverse consisting of identical universes to the one
> we know, eo ipso I postulate that the universes are of different qualia.
> Maybe all of them, but not excluding SOME identical ones (e.g. like ours, or
> different). I slanted my 'narrative' to such possible condition. (Karl
> Jaspers Forum -- TA-62MIK 2003 includs it).
> IMO people know too much mathematics and take it too seriously, even include
> it into - what they call - reality.
> A Star Trek Fan audience should accept that the ongoing (conventional)
> "physical world" is a figment within the present state of the human mind amd
> its so far achieved epistemic enrichment - cognitive (scientific?)
> inventory.
> I would not make such a talk a '101' physics lesson, not even an advanced
> one - acceptable in 08 for academia. Good luck and let us know about further
> details.
> Best wishes
> John Mikes
> lover of Star Trek I
> On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 5:14 PM, Ronald Held <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am giving a talk on the Multiverse to Star Trek fans in several
> > weeks. I would appreciate any advice and suggestions, since as of now,
> > I have an outline based on Tegmark's four levels.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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