  This was mentioned in the TNG technical manual. I do not recall,
right, now, which post TOS episodes mentioned it.

On Mar 2, 8:42 am, Stathis Papaioannou <> wrote:
> 2009/3/2 ronaldheld <>:
> > Maybe the terminology does not fit here, to make a copy of my brain,
> > wouldn't you need more than memories, but the state of the brain at
> > one time to "quantum resolution" (TNG transporter term).
> The question is what level of resolution is needed in order to copy
> the memories, personality etc. You may not need quantum resolution,
> since in that case it is hard to see how you could avoid drastic
> mental state changes while just sitting still. Also, in which TNG
> episode does it mention quantum resolution for the transporter?
> --
> Stathis Papaioannou
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