On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:54 PM, "Stephen P. King" <stephe...@charter.net> wrote:

On 8/2/2011 8:20 PM, Jason Resch wrote:

On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 4:44 PM, Stephen P. King <stephe...@charter.net > wrote:

No, my thought is that quantum coherence accounts for, among other things, the way that sense data is continuously integrated into a whole. This leads to a situation that Daniel C. Dennett calls the "Cartesian Theater". Dennett's proof that it cannot exist because it generates infinite regress of homunculi inside humonculi is flawed because such infinities can only occur if each of the humonculi has access to sufficient computational resources to generate the rest of them. When we understand that computations require the utilization of resources and do not occur 'for free' we see that the entire case against situations that imply the possibility of infinite regress fails. Quantum phenomena is NOT all about randomness. Frankly I would really like to understand how that rubbish of an idea still is held in seriously thinking people! There is not randomness in QM, there in only the physical inability to predict exactly when some quantum event will occur in advance. It is because QM system cannot be copied that makes it impossible to predict their behavior in advance, not because of some inherent randomness! Take the infamous radioactive atom in the Schrodinger Cat box. Is its decay strictly a "random" phenomena? Not really! QM says not one word about randomness, it only allows us to calculate the half-life of said atom and that calculation is as good as is possible given the fact that we cannot generate a simulation of that atom and its environment and all of the interactions thereof in a way that we can get predictions about its behavior in advance.

What is the distinction between random and unpredictable?

    Unpredictable means that it cannot be predicted.


Randomness is uncaused.

Is there anything that is truly random? Perhaps what we consider random (from qm) is merely unpredictable (from our inside view) of the deterministic wave function.

What is random and what is predictable is then a matter of perspective. I might send you a random looking bit stream, but it might be fully predictable if only you knew the encryption key and algorithm used to generate it.

A completely deterministic behavior can be unpredictable and not random. Consider the behaviour of a non-linear system.

A consciousness can no more be copied than the state of a QM system.

That's the point in question.  If Tegmark is right, it can.

   Tegmark is wrong.

Stephen, do you doubt that consciousness can be implemented by a digital machine or process?

I doubt that consciousness can be implemented in classical machines or their logical equivalents.


Digital machines maybe, if they involve quantum entanglement of a certain kind.

Classical computers can emulate quantum computers, albeit inefficiently.

What is this certain kind of entanglement you refer to?

Note that there is no evidence that entanglement plays any important role in the function if neurons, and there is evidence against it, such as the successful simulation of the neocortical column which did not require any simulating any quantum effects.



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