On 9/9/2011 6:40 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
OK. That is the difference between a clone, and a duplicate people. Comp allows duplication of machine instantaneous state, making classical teleportation possible in principle, and this is enough for explaining that physics can't be the fundamental science. The physical reality is an emerging phenomenon (not in time and space, but in some logico-arithmetical space).

This is a difficulty with comp. According to current physics the duplication is impossible because a machine that is distributed in space is also distributed in time and has no "instantaneous" state. Now this would not particularly concern me since their is also good reason to think the human brain is relatively slow and classical and so to a good approximation has a state. I would expect classical teleportation to do no more than a sharp blow to the head - i.e. loss of some seconds worth of short term memory. But then after relying on these classical approximations, you go on to make an argument that consciousness is an infinite class of computations sharing a given state. I think there is a certain tension, if not contradiction here.


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