On May 31, 2:22 pm, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To know what an interface is... how 2 programs communicate. The way you
> talk is like "hey dude it's in the OS !"... like the operating system was
> not a software...

No, I'm saying it's all software, except for the hardware. That has
been my point from the start. You can make as many virtual worlds
nested within each other as you like and it doesn't matter. No
interface is required because they are all being physically hosted by
the semiconducting microelectronics.

 It is not a problem to have an avatar have virtual dinner in virtual
Paris by using his virtual computer. He can dive into the monitor and
end up on the Champs-Élysées if the programmer writes the virtual
worlds that way. No interface can allow or restrict anything within a
virtual context - it's all an election by the programmer, not an
ontological barrier.

> like if you want to access the network you're not calling
> a software... like in the end it was not writing something into some place
> in memory... pfff only thing I can say is "AhAhAh !!!"... as your "sense"
> BS.

When I use my keyboard to type these words, I am using hardware. When
an avatar uses a virtual keyboard, or when that avatar's avatar's
avatar uses a virtual virtual virtual keyboard, there is no keyboard
there. The keyboard can be a turnip or a cloud, it doesn't matter. For
me, in hardware world, it matters.

> The way you don't understand "level"... when a emulator is in a emulator...
> the second level emulator run on the first level emulated hardware...

No, I understand exactly how you understand level but I am telling you
that you are wrong. You are mistaking marketing hype for reality.
Emulation is a figure of speech. There is no virtual hardware. It's
just one piece of software that acts like several. The organization of
it is meaningless ontologically. The entire program is an
epiphenomenon of the same piece of hardware.

> which
> run itself run on physical hardware, no program in the nth level could
> access n-1 level hardware without the n-1 level emulator giving interface
> to it.

That is just not true and you aren't listening to what I'm saying. You
are confusing user permissions with hardware to software interface.
Every week I see nth level programs break n-1 OS and take down the
entire node. It's not what you think. They use the same OS. There is
only one copy of Windows Server 2008 that every container shares. If
they had separate copies, there would still be a meta-OS that they


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