On 6/4/2012 6:54 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
On Jun 4, 8:57 pm, Stathis Papaioannou<stath...@gmail.com>  wrote:

If you want to think that, fine. If it upsets you, I'm sorry. If it
upsets you and therefore you conclude that it's not true, then your
thinking is fallacious.
There's nothing upsetting about it, I just don't understand how we can
talk about deciding that we are powerless to make decisions. I'm
trying to figure out how that makes sense to anyone.

Brains are made of the same stuff as everything else (up and down quarks, electrons, photons). We have no reason to believe that this stuff obeys different laws when it's in a brain, from which we conclude that whatever brains do it's determined by these same laws. I'm happy to call that 'free will' so long as your not coerced (however you want to draw the coerced/not-coerced line). In which case, since we're not coerced, we are not powerless, we're just deterministic (mostly).


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