On Jun 4, 11:09 pm, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On 6/4/2012 7:48 PM, Craig Weinberg wrote:
> > On Jun 4, 10:37 pm, Stathis Papaioannou<stath...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Craig Weinberg<whatsons...@gmail.com>  
> >> wrote:
> >>>> If it doesn't make sense to you then you can append "pseudo-" whenever
> >>>> you talk about deciding something or having free will. We make
> >>>> pseudo-decisions and have pseudo-free will. People who make bad
> >>>> pseudo-decisions get into trouble; I did it against my pseudo-will
> >>>> because he held a gun to my head; and so on.
> >>> If it's causally efficacious (gets real people into real trouble) the
> >>> it can't be pseudo.
> >> An automatic pilot has pseudo-free will according to you but it is
> >> still causally efficacious.
> > An automatic pilot has no will. It's just a program implemented
> > technologically. Its causal efficacy is second hand by way of being
> > designed by people who have free will.
> And you're just a program implemented biologically, designed by random 
> variation and
> natural selection.

No, I have programs but I'm not a program. I am the sense-motive
cursor of a human lifetime. The presentation layer is primary, not the
function. Function without presentation is a disembodied metaphysical
fantasy. Random variation of what? Natural selection of what? Concrete
sense experience and motive participation. From concrete sense-motive
experience through time we get matter-energy presentations across
space, which feeds back on our sense again to give us representations,
symbols, numbers, etc. Abstract figures have no power whatsoever on
their own. It is only the concrete entities making sense of them who
have the power to change the behavior of matter and energy.

> >> However, if your argument is now that if
> >> it's causally efficacious it is real then not pseudo, then that's fine
> >> too - and compatible with determinism.
> > The name describes what it is - automatic pilot: A prosthetic
> > extension of consensus skills derived from the senses and motives of
> > human pilots.
> Actually it can sense things humans can't (e.g. GPS signals, barometric 
> pressure, magnetic
> North,...) and it can react faster and more reliably - which is why it gets 
> to fly the
> plane. And it's not distracted by those 'free' motives the stewardess would 
> elicit from you.

Of course. All prosthetics can potentially extend sense or motive
capacities beyond human levels. (See also, the Six Million Dollar Man
and Bionic Woman). It doesn't mean that Steve Austin's bionic parts
have replaced him. If he had a bionic head, he wouldn't be Steve
Austin anymore.


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