On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 3:45 AM, Russell Standish <li...@hpcoders.com.au>wrote:

> In both your examples, (dice and roulette wheels), they always do
> something stupid (generate a random number).

But you said free will is the ability to do something stupid so both dice
and roulette wheels have free will. But perhaps it's the "always" that
bothers you, after all sometimes people do smart things; so then rig up
some dice with a pocket calculator and make a hybrid machine, usually the
calculator produces the correct answer but on average of one time in 6 it
does not and it does something dumb, like give the wrong answer. Now it has
free will.

> There is no choice in their actions

Just like you, and me, and the dog, and a thermostat, and a rock, and a
electron, and everything else in the universe, the dice and roulette wheel
did what they did for a reason OR they did what they did for no reason. The
word "choice" does not help because there is no third alternative.

> I think you may be deliberately taking my statement out of context.

Please note that I am not rejecting your definition, all I'm doing is using
logic to see where it leads; if it ends up endowing things with free will
that you don't want to have free will don't blame me, it's your definition
not mine.

  John K Clark

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