On 9/7/2012 2:03 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
On 07.09.2012 13:43 Stephen P. King said the following:
On 9/7/2012 4:11 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
On 06.09.2012 21:03 meekerdb said the following:
On 9/6/2012 11:52 AM, Brian Tenneson wrote:

A too much powerful God leads to inconsistency.

What if reality does not always obey the laws of logic? What
if reality is sometimes inconsistent?

This is a confusion of levels. Logic is rules about truth
preservation in declarative sentences.  Not 'obeying the laws of
logic' just means declaring inconsistent sentences. We try to
avoid this because such utterances would have no determinate
meaning. So a *descriptions* of reality may be inconsistent (and
therefore useless) but reality is just whatever it is.  It can't
be inconsistent because it's not assertions.


This could work provided we could separate the world into mental
and physical states. The question remains though if under
physicalism one says that mental states are actually physical
states. Then I do not know how to employ such a consideration in
this case.


Dear Evgenii,

What do you imagine would be the consequence of what may be a pair of
sets of mental states and physical states for one entity does not
match up exactly or even at all with a pair of mental and physical
states for another?

This was a question. I have no idea how to answer it.


Hi Evgenii,

Consider the mental image that a person suffering from anorexia has of themselves. It is distorted and false. How does this happen? Consider the Placebo effect and its complement, the Nocebo effect. Are they not examples of mental states acting on physical states? How does this happen if the mental states are just illusions (ala materialism) or the physical states are just illusions (ala Immaterialism)? Somehow they must be correlated with each other in some way and which ever way that is it is one that is not always a one to one and onto map.




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