On 07.09.2012 22:22 Stephen P. King said the following:


Hi Evgenii,

Consider the mental image that a person suffering from anorexia has
of themselves. It is distorted and false. How does this happen?
Consider the Placebo effect and its complement, the Nocebo effect.
Are they not examples of mental states acting on physical states? How
does this happen if the mental states are just illusions (ala
materialism) or the physical states are just illusions (ala
Immaterialism)? Somehow they must be correlated with each other in
some way and which ever way that is it is one that is not always a
one to one and onto map.

Hi Stephen,

I am taking place right now in a discussion in a Russian forum on philosophy. There was a good point there that when we say that Descartes was a dualist (res cogitans and res extensa), it is actually wrong. By Descartes there was also God and as a result everything was quite consistent by him. Problems start when we consider res cogitans and res extensa without God. Just FYI, I personally have enjoyed such a comment.

I have to read Pratt yet, sorry. Just a small note now. I do not see how res cogitans and res extensa allow us to explain a three-dimensional world that I observe. When we say ideas, then it could work but it is unclear to me what to do with a visual world.

Say I see my image behind the mirror (I have written behind instead of in the mirror just to better describe my experience). How could you describe this phenomenon by means of res cogitans and res extensa?


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