Hi Stephen P. King  


" Descartes believed in only TWO kinds of substance: material body, which is 
defined by extension, 
and mental substance, which is defined by thought, which, in this context, is 
more or less equivalent to consciousness."

" For Spinoza, there is only ONE substance, the existence of which is 
demonstrated by a version of 
the ontological argument, which is thought of as being both God and Nature."

Leibniz was not satisfied by this conception of divine substance, at least in 
part because it 
confines God to what actually exists. For Leibniz, God contains within himself 
all possibilities, 
not just the actual world: this latter is just that maximal set of 
possibilities that he has best reason to actualize. 
Leibniz acknowledges created SUBSTANCES, though they are very intimately 
dependent on God. 
In the Discourse on Metaphysics, (Section 14), he says: 

it is clear that created SUBSTANCES depend on God, who conserves them and 
indeed who produces them 
continuously by a kind of emanation, just as we produce our thoughts. (1998: 

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net 
Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him  
so that everything could function." 
----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Stephen P. King  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-09-16, 12:26:18 
Subject: Re: science only works with half a brain 

On 9/16/2012 8:52 AM, Roger Clough wrote: 
> Hi Stephen P. King 
> Mereology seems to be something like Spinoza's metaphysics, 
> that there is just one stuff in the universe and that stuff is God. 
> So there is just one material. 

Hi Roger, 

     Yes. Each of these philosophers focused on different things, but  
they all seemed to agree on the idea of a "fundamental substance". This  
is the idea that Bruno denotes as "primitive matter". On analysis of the  
concept it can be understood that this "substance" is nothing more than  
a empty "bearer of properties". I think that "existence" itself, the  
"necessarily possible", is sufficient to "bundle" properties together. 

> Leibniz is completely diffferent. Every substance is not only 
> different, it keeps changing, and changing more than its shape, 
> and is a reflection of the whole universe. 

     I suspect that Leibniz saw Becoming as fundamental (the Heraclitus  
view) and thus considered all properties as the result of some process,  
some kind of change. His problem is that he neglected to examine in  
detail the fact that we cannot assume a change without having a way to  
measure its incrementation. Perhaps he merely assumes, with Newton, that  
God's metronome, clocked all change equally. Modern incarnations of this  
idea are evident in "Universe as Cellular automata" theories and those  
fail for the same reason as L's idea. We can repair and rehabilitate  
these idea by a careful consideration of what Special and General  
Relativity can tell us. 

> The "changing" and the "different" aspects means Leibniz is 
> non-materialistic. 
> And all of my comments could have been said by Leibniz. 

     I disagree. He was not non-materialistic at all, he just put the  
burden of distinguishing matter from non-matter into the hands of God  
and its PEH. He avoided the hard problems. 

> Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net 
> 9/16/2012 
> Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him 
> so that everything could function." 

> snip 




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