On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 1:23 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> One theory is that existence of platonic entities such as numbers is
>> not ontologically distinct from actual existence. In that case, all
>> possible universes necessarily exist, and the one that has the laws of
>> physics allowing observers is the one the observers observe.
> That is "Tegmark error". It cannot work. First it is obvious that numbers
> have a distinct existence than, say, this table or that chair, and secondly,
> once you accept comp, whatever meaning you give to the existence of numbers
> as long as you agree that 2+2=4 is independent of you, the global
> indeterminacy on arithmetic, or on the UD, has to be taken into account, and
> physics has to be explained in term of *all* computation. That is what
> Tegmark and Schmidhuber have missed, and which I have explained when
> entering on this mailing list.
> Even in the case one (little program), like DeWitt-Wheeler equation for
> example,  would be correct, so that indeed there would be only one
> computation allowing consciousness, such a fact has to be justified in term
> of the measure taken on *all* computation. I thought you did grasp this
> sometime ago. Step 8 is not really needed here.

Computation necessarily exists, computation is enough to generate
consciousness and physics, therefore no need for a separate physical
reality. Can you explain the subtlety I've missed?

Stathis Papaioannou

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