On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:58:08 AM UTC-4, Brian Tenneson wrote:
> I probably shouldn't be talking to someone who thinks distinguishing a 
> sack of potatoes from a woman means understanding women.  
> News flash: understand tacitly implies understand completely.

If you define complete understanding as impossible a priori, and you insist 
that understanding must be complete, then you have just removed the word 
from the English language.


> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Craig Weinberg 
> <whats...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:09:44 AM UTC-4, Brian Tenneson wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 4:46 AM, Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4:31:55 AM UTC-4, Brian Tenneson wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 8:53 PM, Craig Weinberg <whats...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:37:14 PM UTC-4, Brian Tenneson wrote:
>>>>>>> You keep claiming that we understand this and that or know this and 
>>>>>>> that.  And, yes, saying something along the lines of "we know we 
>>>>>>> understand 
>>>>>>> because we care about what we understand" *is* circular.  
>>>>>> No, it's not. I'm saying that it is impossible to doubt we 
>>>>>> understand. It's just playing with words. My point about caring is that 
>>>>>> it 
>>>>>> makes it clear that we intuitively make a distinction between merely 
>>>>>> being 
>>>>>> aware of something and understanding it.
>>>>> I'll try to explain how  "we know we understand because we care about 
>>>>> what we understand" is circular.  Note the use of the word understand 
>>>>> towards the left edge of the statement in quotes followed by another 
>>>>> instance of the word understand. 
>>>> You should read it as "we know we understand because we care about X". 
>>>> My only intention in repeating the word was to make it clear that the 
>>>> thing 
>>>> that we care about is the thing that we understand. It is the caring which 
>>>> is a symptom of understanding. The absence of that symptom of caring in a 
>>>> machine indicates to me that there is a lack of understanding. Things 
>>>> which 
>>>> understand can care, but things that cannot care cannot understand.
>>>> Now that isn't circular but that's a poor sign of understanding.  I 
>>> care very much for women but I can't say that I understand them.
>> That's a cliche. You may not be able to understand women completely, but 
>> you are not likely to confuse them with a sack of potatoes in a dress. With 
>> a computer, the dress might be all that a security camera search engine 
>> might look for, and may very well categorize a sack of potatoes as a woman 
>> if it happens to be wearing a dress.
>>>   I understand the rules of English grammar and punctuation but care 
>>> little of it.  
>> Yes, you don't have to care about it, but you can care about it if you 
>> want to. A machine does not have that option. It can't try harder to follow 
>> proper grammar, it can only assign a priority to the task. It has no 
>> feeling for which tasks are assigned which priority, which is the entire 
>> utility of machines.
>>> I'm sure you can think of examples.  So the two are not correlated, 
>>> caring and understanding. 
>> Can you explain why the word understanding is a synonym for kindness and 
>> caring? A coincidence? 
>>>  Caring is not something that can really be measured in humans while 
>>> caring can be measured in machines/computers.
>> Give me a break.
>>>   For example, one might define caring about something means it is 
>>> thinking a lot about it
>> You might define warm feelings by the onset of influenza but that is a 
>> false equivalence.
>>> , where a lot means some threshold like over 50% resources are dedicated 
>>> to think about something for a while (a nonzero, finite span of time).  
>>> These days, we can multitask and look up the resource monitor to see what 
>>> the CPU cares about, if anything.
>> That has nothing whatsover to do with caring. Does the amount of money in 
>> your wallet tell you how much your wallet values money?
>>>  If it doesn't care about anything, it uses close to 0% and is called 
>>> idle. 
>> Next you are going to tell me that when a stuffed animal doesn't eat 
>> anything it must be because it is full - but we have no way of knowing if 
>> we are hungry ourselves.
>>> But if I am running an intensive computation while typing this and look 
>>> at my resource monitor, I can see measurements indicating that my CPU cares 
>>> much more about the intensive computation rather than what I am typing.  
>>> Does that mean the CPU understands what it is doing?  No.  Likewise with 
>>> human brains: we can care a lot about something but have little to no 
>>> understanding of it.
>> Your entire argument is a defense of the Pathetic fallacy. Nothing you 
>> have said could not apply to any inanimate object, cartoon, abstract 
>> concept etc. Anyone can say 'you can't prove ice cream isn't melting 
>> because it's sad'. It's ridiculous. Find the universe. It is more 
>> interesting than making up stories about CPUs cares, kindnesses, and 
>> understanding. 
>>>>  This is analogous to saying We are Unicorns because care about 
>>>>> Unicorns. 
>>>> No, this is analogous  to you not understanding what I mean and 
>>>> unintentionally making a straw man of my argument. 
>>> Well, be honest here, you changed a phrasing.  You went from 
>>> (paraphrasing)  "we know we understand because we care that we understand" 
>>> to "You know we understand because we care about X". Correct me if I'm 
>>> wrong.  
>> Correcting you. You're wrong. What I said was "Because we care about what 
>> we understand, and we identify with it personally."
>> You misinterpreted it, then accuse me of meaning what you said, even 
>> after I pointed out your mistake. Now you are unfazed by your unintentional 
>> straw man and are doubling down on the false accusation. You aren't 
>> listening to me and are arguing with yourself.
>> The first phrasing is meaningless because of the second use of the word 
>>> understand (so you might as well be talking about unicorns).  
>> Which is why I never said that.
>>> The first phrasing gives no insight into what understanding is and why 
>>> we have it but computers can't.  The problem with your new and improved 
>>> phrasing is that it's a doctored definition of caring; you pick a 
>>> definition related to understanding such that it (the definition of 
>>> 'caring') will *automatically* fail for anything other than a 
>>> non-apathetic human, in essence, assuming computers don't care about 
>>> anything when, in fact, doing what they are programmed to do (much like a 
>>> human, I might add) is the machine-equivalent of them caring about what 
>>> they are told to do.
>> Pathetic fallacy + false accusation. Next.
>>>>  Doesn't prove unicorns exist; doesn't prove understanding exists 
>>>>> (i.e., that any human understands anything). If this is all sophistry 
>>>>> then 
>>>>> it should be easily dismissible. And yes, playing with words is what 
>>>>> people 
>>>>> normally do, wittingly or unwittingly, and that lends more evidence to 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> notion that we are processors in a Chinese room.  
>>>> The position that we only think we understand or that consciousness is 
>>>> an illusion is, in my view, the desperate act of a stubborn mind. Truly, 
>>>> you are sawing off the branch that you are sitting on to suggest that we 
>>>> are incapable of understanding the very conversation that we are having. 
>>> Well calling a conclusion the desperate act of a stubborn mind, rather 
>>> than supply some decent rejoinder, is also the desperate act of a stubborn 
>>> mind, wouldn't you say?
>> Not at all. If you claim not to understand the very conversation in which 
>> you are participating, how does that make me desperate for pointing out 
>> that it is obviously a specious argument. 
>>>   While "sawing off the branch you are sitting on" is a very clever 
>>> arrangement of letters (can I use it in a future poem?)
>> I stole it from Raymond Tallis, so you'll have to ask him.
>>> , it falls short of being an argument at all or even persuasive. 
>> Then you're on your own. If you can't understand why you can't claim not 
>> to be able to understand these words, and you are not developmentally 
>> disabled, then I can't help you.
>>> We can get along just fine by thinking that we understand this 
>>> conversation.  
>> What does 'thinking that you understand' supposed to mean? We don't have 
>> to understand the entire universe to be able to understand what we are 
>> trying to talk about. Do you think that your operating system or keyboard 
>> have an equal understanding of it?
>>> But knowing that we understand this conversation?  I'd like to see that 
>>> proved.  
>> Understanding cannot be proved, it can only be experienced. Why does 
>> everyone want to prove subjective qualities? If that were possible then it 
>> would have been done 5000 years ago. Proof is a kind of understanding.
>>> Until then, I will continue to think that humans or at least the seat of 
>>> mind are possibly all in Chinese rooms.
>> You will continue to do what? To "think"? Can you prove that? Does 
>> thinking happen in Chinese rooms. This may be the most preposterous 
>> exchange that I have ever had with someone.
>>>>>>> Still doesn't rule out the possibility that we are in a Chinese room 
>>>>>>> right now, manipulating symbols without really understanding what's 
>>>>>>> going 
>>>>>>> on but able to adeptly shuffle the symbols around fast enough to appear 
>>>>>>> functional. 
>>>>>> Why not? If we were manipulating symbols, why would we care about 
>>>>>> them. What you're saying doesn't even make sense. We are having a 
>>>>>> conversation. We care about the conversation because we understand it. 
>>>>>> If I 
>>>>>> was being dictated to write in another language instead, I would not 
>>>>>> care 
>>>>>> about the conversation. Are you claiming that there is no difference 
>>>>>> between having a conversation in English and dictating text in a 
>>>>>> language 
>>>>>> you don't understand?
>>>>>  We care about the symbols because working through the symbols in our 
>>>>> brains is what leads to food, shelter, sex, and all the things animals 
>>>>> want. 
>>>> First of all, there are no symbols in our brains, unless you think that 
>>>> serotonin or ATP is a symbol. Secondly, the fact that species have needs 
>>>> does not imply any sort of caring at all. A car needs fuel and oil but it 
>>>> doesn't care about them. When the fuel light comes up on your dashboard, 
>>>> that is for you to care about your car, not a sign that the car is 
>>>> anxious. 
>>>> Instead of a light on the dashboard, a more intelligently designed car 
>>>> could proceed to the filling station and dock at a smart pump, or it could 
>>>> use geological measurements and drill out its own petroleum to 
>>>> refine...all 
>>>> without the slightest bit of caring or understanding. 
>>> The electric and chemical footprint of representations of symbols are in 
>>> our brains and caring about the symbols is what leads to food, shelter, sex 
>>> and all the things animals (not cars) want .
>> If there is nothing to interpret the footprints as representations, then 
>> they can't 'represent' anything. Chemical functions would simply be the 
>> parts in the machine which produce the behaviors that have been selected 
>> for. No experience is required, no caring, no sensation, nothing remotely 
>> close to that.
>>>>>  Or we care about the symbols because they further enrich our lives. 
>>>> That's circular. Why do we care about enriching our lives? Because we 
>>>> care about our lives and richness. We don't have to though in theory, and 
>>>> a 
>>>> machine never can.
>>> Some people care about enriching their lives, presumably because it 
>>> ultimately makes them more satisfied in life. 
>> If you can't care about anything, then how could you find anything 
>> satisfying?
>>> How do you know what a machine never can do? They used to say a machine 
>>> would never fly.  Convictions are prisons. 
>> Because I understand what a machine is. I understand that art can be 
>> scientific but that science can never appreciate art.
>>>>>  The symbols in this corner of the internet (barring my contributions 
>>>>> of course) are examples of that.  Regarding the world, would you say 
>>>>> there 
>>>>> is more that we (i.e., at least one human) understand or more that we 
>>>>> don't?  I would vote 'don't' and that leads me also to suspect we are in 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> chinese room right now.  
>>>> I don't know where we are in the extent of our understanding, but there 
>>>> is some understanding, while the man in the Chinese room has no 
>>>> understanding.
>>> You think there is some understanding because you are really adept at 
>>> symbol processing.  Your man in the Chinese room is so convincing, that the 
>>> symbols transmitted affirm that you do, in fact, understand.  
>> Then why don't I think I can understand Chinese?
>>> I think this is one of your theorems: at least one human mind has the 
>>> capacity to understand something and does understand something.
>>> Or do you assume that when your inner voice tells you that you 
>>> understand something that your inner voice is correct?
>> I understand the same way that you understand. You tell me. Are these 
>> words indecipherable to you? Are you fumbling around in the dark, 
>> hallucinating that there is a such thing as understanding? Why should 
>> anyone talk to you?
>>>>> Your coupling of caring and understanding is somewhat arbitrary.  
>>>> No, it is supported by the English language: 
>>>> http://dictionary.reverso.net/**english-synonyms/understanding<http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-synonyms/understanding>
>>> I meant in the context of this discussion, the mention of compassion and 
>>> caring at best might have something to do with understanding.  I bet that 
>>> by the time you reply to this email I could print a list having a million 
>>> elements, each of which contains a truth that I think I understand but care 
>>> about zero. 
>> You didn't read what I said. Just because there are things that you 
>> understand and choose not to care about or care about that you don't 
>> completely understand does not mean that understanding as a phenomenon can 
>> be separated from caring as a phenomenon. I can cook hamburgers or I can 
>> cook something else, but if I cook eggs instead, that doesn't mean that 
>> hamburgers are not food.
>> If you don't see that the synonyms of understanding are relevant to the 
>> context of this discussion then you are having a different discussion.
>> There is no chance of being in a Chinese room at all, because we 
>>> understand some things. 
>> That's one possibility.  Another is that we're dumb but fast. 
>> In theory that would be a possibility, but in reality, it is not.
>>> Because the Chinese room prohibits us from ever entertaining the 
>>> possibility that we are in the Chinese Room. Just because we are not 
>>> omniscient and omnipotent does not mean that we are senseless and powerless.
>> Why is that?  Being aware of one's present location and even all the 
>> properties of present location does NOT mean understanding one's present 
>> location and understanding all the properties of present location. 
>> You don't seem to be able to discern between the terms "all" and "any". 
>> Not knowing the activities of the ants under the foundation of your house 
>> does not mean that you don't know where you are. 
>> That's a good example because we humans are in that situation: we can 
>>> describe our environment works but we do not understand all the properties 
>>> of our location, we don't even understand why we are here.
>> Why are you presuming understanding to be an all or nothing property? No 
>> matter how much or how little we understand, it is more than any machine 
>> has ever understood.
>> Craig
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