The surprise can appear in a single day: "You will be hanged on monday
and you will be surprised by it". Then he reason that he will not be
surprised. But he is hanged and surprised by it.

Thar reduces the problem to the example of the Diamonds from
Brent. So the reasoning is:

1)  The statement of the judge is self contradictory, so it is false: He
can not tell me the hanging day and be surprised.

but the judge tells the truth  and the surprise in this case is a
metasurprise; it is not surprised for being hanged; I´m surprised by
its reasoning.

But the reasoning is about the problem, not the metaproblem of either
if the judge is lying or not. the
word "surprised" in 1) is about being hanged, not about the truth
value of the judge words.

The metaproblem reasoning is:

2) taking the problem I reason that the Judge is lying. but if that
occurs, I will be surprised for this reason. So I will be hanged.

Yet there is a level-three problem, because if I reason the
metaproblem as 2), I will not be surprised If get hanged on
monday...... and so on

2013/9/13, meekerdb <>:
> On 9/12/2013 2:33 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
>> Time for some philosophy then :)
>> Here's a paradox that's making me lose sleep:
>> Probably many of you already know about it.
>> What mostly bothers me is the epistemological crisis that this
>> introduces. I cannot find a problem with the reasoning, but it's
>> clearly false. So I know that I don't know why this reasoning is
>> false. Now, how can I know if there are other types of reasoning that
>> I don't even know that I don't know that they are correct?
> The wiki article gives most resolutions of the antinomy.  The logical
> contradiction is
> seen most clearly in case of the man who says to his wife, "Here's your
> anniversary
> present.  You'll be completely surprised by what it is when you open it.
> It's diamond
> earrings."  So, does the wife reason that she'll be surprised, yet he's said
> it's diamond
> earrings; so it can't be diamond earrings because then she wouldn't be
> surprised.  Then
> she opens the box and it's diamond earrings AND she's surprised.
> It just shows that if you reason from contradictory statements you can
> arrive at any
> conclusion.
> Brent
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