On 9/27/2013 10:31 AM, John Clark wrote:

On Wed, Sep 25, 2013  meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net 
<mailto:meeke...@verizon.net>> wrote:

        >> You make a big deal about duplicating chambers and what city you end 
up in
        and make all sorts of mystical conclusions from it; but all it comes 
down to is
        the fact that different data streams (like one coming from Washington 
        another from Moscow)  will result in different conclusions (like I am in
        Washington or I am in Moscow) when the calculation is concluded.

    > It just boils down to: if you can be duplicated

Well of course you can be duplicated!! I find it astonishing that in the 21'st century the average person still thinks this question deserves further debate.

    > Scott Aaronson dismisses the problem by concentrating on the idea that 
    must be duplication of the quantum state, so that the no-cloning theorm 

If you need to stay in the same quantum state to retain your identity then you would be changing into a different person many millions of trillions a time a second. And if you never changed, if you always remained in the same quantum state, then you couldn't think, thought needs change.

But there could be a difference between unitary evolution of your state (which presumably Scott considers to still be "you") and a non-unitary duplication.


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