-----Original Message-----
From: everything-list@googlegroups.com
[mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of meekerdb
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:46 AM
To: everything-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Douglas Hofstadter Article

On 10/25/2013 3:24 AM, Telmo Menezes wrote:
> My high-level objection is very simple: chess was an excuse to pursue 
> AI. In an era of much lower computational power, people figured that 
> for a computer to beat a GM at chess, some meaningful AI would have to 
> be developed along the way. I don' thing that Deep Blue is what they 
> had in mind. IBM cheated in a way. I do think that Deep Blue is an 
> accomplishment, but not_the_  accomplishment we hoped for.

>> Tree search and alpha-beta pruning have very general application so I
have no doubt they are among the many techniques that human brains use.
Also having a very extensive 'book' 
memory is something humans use.  But the memorized games and position
evaluation are both very specific to chess and are hard to duplicate in
general problem solving.  So I think chess programs did contribute a little
to AI. The Mars Rover probably uses decision tree searches sometimes.

Some manner (e.g. algorithm) of pruning the uninteresting branches -- as
they are discovered -- from dynamic sets of interest is fundamental in order
to achieve scalability. Without being able to throw stuff out as stuff comes
in -- via the senses (and meta interactions with the internal state of mind
-- such as memories) -- an being will rather quickly gum up in information
overload and memory exhaustion. Without pruning; growth grows geometrically
out of control. 
There is pretty good evidence -- from what I have read about current neural
science -- that the brain is indeed, throwing away a large portion of raw
sensory data during the process of reifying these streams into the smooth
internal construct or model of reality that we in fact experience. In other
words our model -- what we "see", what we "hear", "taste", "smell", "feel",
"orient" [a distinct inner ear organ]  (and perhaps other senses -- such as
the sense of the directional flow of time perhaps  as well)... in any case
this construct, which is what we perceive as real contains (and is
constructed from) only a fraction of the original stream of raw sensorial
data. In fact in some cases the brain can be tricked into "editing" actual
real sense supplied visual reality for example literally out of the picture
-- as has experimentally been demonstrated.
We do not experience the real world; we experience the model of it, our
brains have supplied us with, and that model, while in most cases is pretty
well reflective of actual sensorial streams, it crucially depends on the
mind's internal state and its pre-conscious operations... on all the pruning
and editing that is going on in the buffer zone between when the brain
begins working on our in-coming reality perception stream and when we -- the
observer -- self-perceive our current stream of being. 
It also seems clear that the brain is pruning as well by drilling down and
focusing in on very specific and micro-structure oriented tasks such as
visual edge detection (which is a critical part of interpreting visual data)
for example. If some dynamic neural micro-structure decides it has
recognizes a visual edge, in this example, it probably fires some
synchronized signal as expeditiously as it can, up the chain of dynamically
forming and inter-acting neural-decision-nets, grabbing the next bucket in
an endless stream needing immediate attention.
I would argue that nervous systems that were not adept at throwing stuff out
as soon as its information value decayed, long ago became a part of the food
supply of long ago ancestor life forms with nervous systems that were better
at throwing stuff out, as soon as it was no longer needed. I would argue
there is a clear evolutionary pressure for optimizing environmental response
through efficient (yet also high fidelity) pruning algorithms in order to be
able to maximize neural efficiency and speed up sense perception (the
reification that we perceive unfolding before us) This is also a factor in
speed of operation, and in survival a fast brain is almost always better
than a slow brain; slow brains lead to short lives.
But not just pruning, selective & very rapid signal amplification is the
flip side of pruning -- and this is also very much going on as well. For
example the sudden shadow flickering on the edge of the visual field that
for some reason, leaps front and center into the fore of conscious focus, as
adrenalin pumps... sudden, snapping to the fore. And all this, from just a
small peripheral flicker that the brain decided on some local sentinel
algorithm level was in some manner out of place.... maybe because there was
also a sound, directionally oriented in the same orientation. Clearly the
brain is able to suddenly amplify a signal -- and also critically at any
step along the way to the final synthesis of the disparate sense signals
into a cohesive picture -- and jam it right up to the executive level,
promoting it up the brain's attention chain much more rapidly and
prominently than is normally the case.
The survival benefits of this kind of alarming circuitry as well as pruning
is clear, and our brains circuitry is the outcome of billions of years of
selective pressure and I am fairly certain that both signal suppression
(pruning) as well as signal amplification are operating at all scales. 

> I believe there will be an AI renaissance and I hope to be alive to 
> witness it.

You may be disappointed, or even dismayed.  I don't think there's much
reason to expect or even want to create human-like AI.  That's like the old
idea of achieving flight by attaching wings to people and make them like
birds.  Airplanes don't fly like birds.  It may turn out that "real" AI,
intelligence that far exceeds human capabilities, will be more like Deep
Blue than Kasparov.


Brent -- I tend to agree with you here as well, much as it would be
flattering to us if super-AI was like us, but well, just better... there is
no guarantee that the actual outcome of a self-emergent process that
generates a self-perpetuating AI will have much resemblance to us on an
emotional/empathetic level. The prime driver for the evolution of AI is
currently and has for a long time been for military applications. This is
where the big money is. 
If it becomes a Darwinian process and the evolutionary pressure is to
develop effective & increasingly autonomous killing machines then the kind
of AI that I am guessing eventually emerges out from these selective
pressures could potentially behave in an exceedingly unpleasant & deadly
manner towards humans and in fact may not like us at all.

> But for this renaissance to take place, I think two cultural shifts 
> have to happen:
> - A disinterest with the "science as the new religion" stance, leading 
> to a truly scientific detachment from findings. Currently, everything 
> that touches the creation of intelligence is ideologically loaded from 
> all sides of the discussion. This taints honest scientific inquiry;
> - New economic structures that allow humanity to pursue complex goals 
> outside the narrow short-term focus on profit of corporatism or the 
> pointless status wars of academia.
> Best,
> Telmo.

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