On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 12:25 PM, Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> Not a single LFTR unit is operating

That's true today but wasn't always the case,  the last operating thorium
reactor on this planet, the MSRE at Oak Ridge  was shut down in 1969. Of
course after 40 years of doing nothing and not spending a dime a lot of R&D
would be required before we could switch over to a Thorium based economy,
but it would be trivial compared with what would be required to make a
practical fusion reactor.

> nor are there any blueprints to build one.


> There is no Thorium mining, refining

Oh for heavens sake! There is no Uranium shortage and Thorium is 4 times as
abundant and easier to separate from it's ore than Uranium is, and we can
only get energy from .7% of the Uranium but  we can use 100% of the
Thorium! So do you REALLY want to say we shouldn't consider Thorium because
we can't get enough of it??

>>As I say nobody would bother but even with today's primitive technology
>> do you have any evidence that it would take more energy than what 37 tons
>> of coal could provide to extract 12 grams of Thorium from one cubic meter
>> of randomly selected dirt?
> > You are the one making the claim; it is up to you to show how it can be
> done.

You are the one making the claim that extracting 12 grams of Thorium from
one meter of dirt would take more energy than the Thorium could produce, so
it is up to you to show it's true; although nobody would be dumb enough to
bother with such dirt when there is ore that contains 50% Thorium

>>> My point remains valid and salient. Whenever anyone speaks of some
>>> resource reserve figure in practice what they are (or should be) referring
>>> to is the recoverable reserve figures. The quantity of some resource in the
>>> earth's crust may be interesting, but it is irrelevant in a discussion of
>>> reserves.
>> So let's review * Thorium is a element that is TWICE as common as TIN. *
>> Some natural ores are 50% Thorium. * One POUND of Thorium can provide as
>> much energy as 1,362 TONS of coal. * The best argument Chris de Morsella
>> can come up with against the use of Thorium is that there just isn't enough
>> of it.
> > Bull shit John. I have given you many different arguments

Many? You have only given 2 basic arguments. The first one is that we won't
be able to find enough Thorium to meet our needs and that argument is
downright imbecilic. Your second argument is that nobody has ever made a
large number of Thorium reactors and that is true, but from that you
conclude  nobody ever could and that does not follow at all.  And then you
say you like Thorium after all which contradicts everything you said

>> The Cantarell oil field is not only the third biggest it is also the
>> most technologically primitive in the world, the reason is easy to
>> understand. If you're a Mexican farmer and oil is discovered on your land
>> you don't own a drop of it, the government owns it all and government
>> bureaucrats have little expertise in the science of oil drilling; and those
>> experts who do have such ability work for no government and prefer to apply
>> their trade in places like the USA where they can get a nice share of the
>> profits. For this reason the USA has not the largest but the most
>> technologically advanced oil fields in the world, and is why the USA has
>> experienced such a huge increase in oil and natural gas production in the
>> last few years.


> > PEMEX is not some dirt poor Mexican farmer

PEMEX is not dirt poor but judging from the way they operate their oil
fields they are as dumb as dirt, the technology is medieval compared with
what's going on in the USA.

 John K Clark

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