Seconded. The money spent on the Iraq war, or the "War on Terror", or the
"War on Drugs" could in each case easily have been used for something
worthwhile, e.g. to  provide clean water and medical assistance to the
millions of people still living in poverty and dying of preventable
diseases. How about a "War on Poverty" or a "War on Preventable Disease" ?
Our so-called leaders having such a medieval mindset is shameful in the Age
of Reason.

On 22 April 2014 14:08, Chris de Morsella <> wrote:

> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *
> Simply put, we need better energy technology, for energy and climate
> remediation, and not better government dictatorship, who, are all looking
> out for us all. If climate scientists want to pile on to the tax payer
> funded gravy train, that is incidental. If they have some solutions to
> propose, beyond proposing green fascist rules for the serfs, then I will
> listen. The Reich, the Soviets, and Mao, had brilliant scientists working
> for them too. Piling-on doesn't sell, solutions do.
> You sound confused. By tax payer funded gravy train did not seem to be
> focusing in on the more or less permanent state of war – the war on terror
> --  that the military industrial complex has profited so nicely from… In
> the amount of trillions of dollars. If you want to start talking about
> government gravy trains why not begin with the elephant in the room. You
> focus too much – IMO – on the wee little mice (in the world of government
> subsidy) and fail to notice the four hundred pound hogs.
> Chris
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