On 4/30/2014 1:41 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 30 Apr 2014, at 05:10, 'Chris de Morsella' via Everything List wrote:

*From:*everything-list@googlegroups.com <mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com> [mailto:everything-list@googlegroups.com]*On Behalf Of*meekerdb
On 4/29/2014 1:18 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

    If my consciousness can survive a physical digital substitution, then it 
    an arithmetical digital substitution, and what we call the moon has to be 
    as a stable pattern emerging from an infinity of computations in 
arithmetic, and
    cannot be related from anything else.

The point is that "what we call the Moon"  IS the Moon.
IMO - both points of view, are valid though. You are correctly equating the definition or label of the moon with the qualia -- i.e. the moon experience.

He was assuming we were awake. In my dreams, what I call the moon a planet made of cheese. Is *that* the moon?

That's why I wrote "what WE call the Moon". The meaning of terms in language depends on agreed understanding of speaker and hearer. You can't ostensively define the moon in your dreams to someone else.


It seems to me that Bruno was describing a hypothesized means by which that which "we call the moon" becomes manifest as the qualia we experience. That this qualia emerges through a dynamic computational process.

Well, hopefully for computationalism.




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