Question, Bruno,

Is it theoretically, plausible, to get a verified/testable reaction from this 
Platonic database in the sky? Can you do it with mathematics, physics?? Perhaps 
the traditional practice of prayer is the least efficacious means of contact? 


The debate God/ Non-God is utterly ridiculous, and it hides the whole of what 
the greek theology was about: that is the question: "is the physical universe 
reality, or is the physical universe only an aspect, or a shadow, or an effect, 
or a border, of ... something else (popularly called God)"?

By negating theology, you impose the theology according to which the physical 
universe *is* the fundamental thing explaining (in principle) all the others.

But that is what I doubt, and show non defensible if we assume computationalism 
in the cognitive science.

Science has not decided between Plato's type of reality, or Aristotle's one, 
and with Computationalism, Plato just send a ball in the goal,  ... and no one 
pretend the match is finished.

I got the feeling that most of the time, you talk like if you knew the answer, 
or like if you were not interested in that field.

We can't criticize religions because the churches, with the help of the main 
stream atheist (of your type), does not want us to come back to reasoning at 
that level, yet.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruno Marchal <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 11, 2015 12:41 pm
Subject: Re: Why is there something rather than nothing? From quantum theory to 

On 10 Jan 2015, at 22:47, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Jan 10, 2015  PGC <> wrote:

 >>> Bruno -- he is very respectful of other people's opinions and always 
 >>> argues the ideas without resorting to name calling.  

>> Just yesterday Bruno called me a bigot, and it wasn't the first time.

> Even if he did, you called yourself a bigot yesterday more clearly

I did? Please explain, I'm all ears. 

 > you believe in your right to give "tongue lashings" or whatever to people 
 > holding different opinions. 

That is true, I believe I have the right to give tongue lashings because, 
although I may be mistaken,  I believe I have freedom of speech. 

> Sure, we can disagree more or less vehemently.


> But I don't feel this constant need to keep repeating my message and shove it 
> into the list over and over, nor do I believe that punishment or constant 
> shaming of others' beliefs will convert them. That seems to border on 
> delusion because you're proud of your crusade, your achievements as a twelve 
> year old, your unique ability to hijack acronyms 

Wow that's quite a tongue lashing!  I must conclude that you believe you have 
the right to give me a tongue lashing if I hold different opinions than you, 
but I do not have the right to give you a tongue lashing if you hold different 
opinions than me. You have the right of free speech but I do not.   

 >openly displaying blanket prejudice to whole religious groups, different 
 >theologies as well as theology as concept. 

I plead  guilty to being prejudice against stupidity ignorance and bad ideas, 
and there are few ideas stupider or more ignorant than religion in general or 
Islam in particular. And yes I display my contempt openly but in the future I 
promise to give religion all the respect it deserves.  

By the way, I wonder if you or anybody else on the list can explain something 
to me that I have never understood; why is it that in all of human activity 
religion is the one and only one that is supposed to be absolutely positively 
100% immune from criticism, and anyone who breaks this social convention is a 
terrible person almost by definition?   

Do you realize that my illustration, that we can come back to theology with a 
scientific attitude, (and even take the work already done by the greek and 
Indians, (and jewish and muslims later, btw), and pursue it with the modern 
tools (Church-Turing thesis, theoretical computer science, modal logics, 
mathematical logic, physics, etc.) is the best, constructive way, to criticize 
all *institutionalized* religion?

Are you aware that by criticizing such approach, you maintain the field in the 
hands of those who have the dogma?

The answer to your question is plausibly because people like you refuse the 
criticizing of religion, indeed, they seem to remain inflexible about changing, 
or generalizing, its most basic notion: God.

The debate God/ Non-God is utterly ridiculous, and it hides the whole of what 
the greek theology was about: that is the question: "is the physical universe 
reality, or is the physical universe only an aspect, or a shadow, or an effect, 
or a border, of ... something else (popularly called God)"?

By negating theology, you impose the theology according to which the physical 
universe *is* the fundamental thing explaining (in principle) all the others.

But that is what I doubt, and show non defensible if we assume computationalism 
in the cognitive science.

Science has not decided between Plato's type of reality, or Aristotle's one, 
and with Computationalism, Plato just send a ball in the goal,  ... and no one 
pretend the match is finished.

I got the feeling that most of the time, you talk like if you knew the answer, 
or like if you were not interested in that field.

We can't criticize religions because the churches, with the help of the main 
stream atheist (of your type), does not want us to come back to reasoning at 
that level, yet.


  John K Clark     


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