On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 5:30 PM, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Also a fact is, depression has a lot of factors, the thing these studies
> point out is that there are more depressive states among heavy cannabis
> users.

> They do not conclude cannabis is the cause of the depressive state, but
> they try to have cannabis as the sole factor differentiating the groups...
> so as to show that it is a factor... (cause or consequence of the
> depressive state, linked to it; not a mere correlation).
> But as I say, I don't care, if you're convince it is perfectly safe, and
> no warning should be made on it when legalizing it, and that there is no
> problem at that moment to sell it next to chocolate bar... then ok, but
> I'll disagree, I'm against prohibition, but I'm not for selling it like
> there was nothing to matter about it... it's still a drug, and still
> something who massively change your state of mind when you take it...

You're beginning to dream. Nowhere did I say that, nor does anybody
trivialize dangers. Unfortunately, sugar may be more problematic for
society than cannabis.


So if we're really pointing towards quantifiable danger, maybe that
chocolate bar and all the sugar we hide in our foods are not that harmless.

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