On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​>> ​
>> ​If it's really a well formed question then the personal pronoun "you"
>> could be replaced with "John Clark" , but that can't be done without
>> destroying the value of the thought experiment has to the theory.
> ​> ​
> Nope. It works very well with "John Clark" instead of "you".

​OK fine, then the statement "John Clark will see *BOTH* Washington *AND*
Moscow"​ works very well.

​>> ​
>> In a world with people duplicating machines the question is far too vague
>> to have an answer,

​> ​
> Nope. The question is clear, and has a definite answer, once we
> distinguish the 1-self
> ​  and [blah blah]

​OK fine, then distinguish it. Do you want a prediction about the Helsinki
1-self or the Moscow 1-self or the Washington 1-self?​

​> ​
>> just as in our world the question "how long is a piece of string?" has no
>> answer. And please, don't start going on and on about diaries again, two
>> people remember writing that diary; which particular person and which
>> particular piece of string are you talking about?   ​
> ​> ​
> Both of them of course

​OK fine, if that's what Bruno Marchal means by "you", the person who
remembers writing the diary, then "you" will see *BOTH* cities. And of
course if something else is meant by "you" then "you"​

​will not see both cities, in that case what "you" will actually see
depends on what the 3 letter word "you" means. In the our everyday world
the meaning is obvious, but it wouldn't be in a world with
people duplicating machines.

​>> ​
>> So after one precise person had been duplicated and become two precise
>> people tell me which one of those two precise people you're interested in
> ​> ​
> We are interested in both discourse. Both agree with "W v M", and both are
> wrong with "W & M".

​That is just flat out wrong. If it was agreed before the duplication that ​
​"you" means somebody who remembers writing the diary, and assuming the
ability to reason logically is retained by both after the duplication,
 then both would agree that "You" saw both cities. ​It all depends on what
the word "you" means, and that's why all personal pronouns should be banned
from such thought experiments.

​> ​
> Keep in mind that we ask for the prediction in Helsinki.

​Yes but who precisely was the prediction requested in Helsinki supposed to
be about? I assume it was about what further adventures the man (or in this
case the men) ​who remember being in Helsinki would have in the future, but
that is never made clear.

> ​> ​
> By computationalism we know that we have to verify the prediction for all
> first person involved in the reconstitution.

Until it's nailed down exactly what the personal pronoun "you" means
absolutely nothing can be verified or refuted, and thus it's not a
experiment, it's not even a thought experiment.  So forget personal
pronouns and use proper nouns!

​>> ​
>> If that answer is unsatisfactory then give me a more precise question.
> ​> ​
> What can John Clark predicts about its future first person experience in
> Helsinki?

If "its" means John Clark then John Clark would predict John Clark would
see both cities; not that predictions correct ones or incorrect ones, have
the slightest thing to do with the sense of self.

​>> ​
>> And if
>> ​ ​
>> Everett
>> ​ ​
>> is right then demanding a yes or no answer to the question "will
>> Schrodinger's cat breathe the cyanide poison gas?" would be silly because
>> it's a ill formed question that has no answer, the same as "how long is a
>> piece of string?" or "what city will you see?".
> ​> ​
> Or "what city will John Clark see".

John Clark will see both cities and
​ ​
Schrodinger's cat
​will ​
breathe the cyanide poison gas
​ ​
​ ​
Schrodinger's cat
​will not ​
breathe the cyanide poison gas
​. I plant an apple ​tree and predict it will produce red apples and I
predict it will produce green apples and I predict it will not produce a
apple that is both red and green; does Bruno Marchal also believe that
prediction is ridiculous?

>> ​>> ​
>> For the 42 time I DON'T CARE If MATTER IS PRIMARY! If your interest is
>> consciousness it's irrelevant, primary or not primary matter is needed.​
> ​> ​
> Only because you stop at the third step of the reasoning,

​Reasoning? The third step was the point where the blizzard of unattributed
personal pronouns became too dense to endure.  ​

​> ​
> It should be obvious, given the definition of 1p

​The definition of the homemade term 1p is me, and the definition of me is
1p. And round and round we go.​

> ​> ​
> using pronouns or name does not change anything here.

​Then why does Bruno Marchal continue to use wall to wall personal pronouns
in thought experiments despite being begged for years not to?

John K Clark​

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