On 4/20/2017 12:05 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
That looks nice. So now, I ask to you, and to everybody a question, which is important, and still open although I do have some opinion/hint.

You are in Helsinki, and you are scanned and annihilate as usual, and (3p)-duplicate in three exemplars: one is reconstituted in W and two in Moscow. You are told before, in Helsinki, that in Moscow, the two exemplaries are in the exact same state and environment, and that this will last forever (they will never 1p differentiate).

In what sense are they "two"? Do they have exactly the same point-of-view? You say they are in the exact same state and environment. So is the environment the same? Is it the same at the quantum level? The same quantum interactions with cosmic rays, etc?

I think Leibniz's identity of indiscernibles applies. But Leibniz didn't know about quantum mechanics and superposition of states.


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