On Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 12:15:16 AM UTC-7, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Saturday, February 3, 2018 at 7:45:16 PM UTC-7, John Clark wrote:
>> On Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 9:03 PM, <agrays...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ​>> ​
>>>> when we use our telescopes to listen for sounds of intelligence in the 
>>>> cosmos we hear only an eerie silence. Why?
>> *​> ​Because any distinguishable intelligible signal is attenuated to 
>>> noise when it traverses a few light years in distance.*
>> ​
>> Nonsense.
> *I'll let LC reply. He was pretty sure of his conclusion, and as I recall 
> there were no dissenters on another MB having some physicists as 
> contributors including Brent.  LC might have been referring to a particular 
> wave length used by SETI (the "water hole"?). AG*

*As I recall, LC was referring to radio waves emanating from radio 
broadcasts. In any event, there some obvious possibilities why we have not 
made EM contact with extraterrestrials. Maybe the Milky Way is too young 
for a galactic civilization to come into existence, and/or, advanced 
civilizations might decide NOT to broadcast due to the possible existence 
of predator species.  As for your definitive negative evaluation of Roswell 
having been an alien contact, I fail to see any basis for your conclusion 
other than bias. AG *

> The old 300 meter Arecibo telescope could communicate with a similar 
>> telescope anywhere in the galaxy, and the Chinese just made a 500 meter 
>> one. We've only been at this for a century and it's been 13.8 billion years 
>> since the Big Bang but we have not heard  a peep from anyone. Zero zilch 
>> nada goose egg. There must be a filter that prevents a Star Trek galaxy 
>> from occurring, the only question is if that filter is in our past of in 
>> our future.    
>>> *​> ​SETI is a waste of time and energy.*
>> ​You like to talk about flying saucer ​people in 
>> Roswell New Mexico
>> ​ and you're worried about wasting time?​ 
> *SETI has nothing to do with MY time or MY energy. But more important if 
> facts matter, there is nothing in your knowledge base to establish with any 
> certainty that Roswell couldn't have involved aliens. I find the 6 
> witnesses in that video convincing. You don't. Other than that, the only 
> difference between us is your invocation of arrogance to assert your 
> beliefs. AG*
>>  John K Clark

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