From: < <>>

On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:36:07 PM UTC, Bruce wrote:

    From: <>

    On Tuesday, June 12, 2018 at 11:03:28 PM UTC, Bruce wrote:

        From: <>

            *Doesn't the superposition of states used in the cat
            problem. or indeed any quantum superposition, requires
            the system being measured to be isolated? AG *

        *As I see it, the total system represented by the wf  (
        (Alive, Undecayed) + (Dead, Decayed) ), leaving out Dirac
        symbols, must be isolated if it's regarded as a
        superposition. If so, this implies the cat is also isolated. AG*

        That is the root of your problem in understanding
        superpositions. There is absolutely no requirement for the
        system to be isolated in order for there to be a
        superposition. In fact, the opposite is the case -- each
        branch of the superposition decoheres by interacting with,
        and becoming entangled with, the environment. That is how
        quantum measurement theory proceeds. Isolation from the
        environment is a condition you made up, and it is not required.


    For reasons not worth explaining, I have had doubts whether a
    superposition requires isolation. But what it does require, at
    least in the cat paradox, is interference among the components.
    Otherwise, Schroedinger couldn't have concluded that the
    superposed wf implies the cat is simultaneously alive and dead.
    So the issue becomes whether a macro object like a cat has a well
    defined wave length, which IIUC, is the necessary condition for
    interference. AG

    That is another misunderstanding on your part. Interference
    between components is not necessary for a superposition.

*I didn't make that claim. I claimed that interference is necessary for a system in a superposition to be simultaneously in all components of the superposition. AG

I don't know what that means!

    As Brent explained, being "regarded as a superposition" is just
    choosing a coordinate system. For the cat, we can have the
    'alive/dead' coordinate system, or an '(alive+dead)/(alive-dead)'
    coordinate system. In the first, the cat is either alive or dead;
    in the second the cat is in a superposition of the two
    stateswhichever basis vector you choose. There is nothing magical
    about this, it is just a matter of how you look at it.
    Superpositions of classical macro objects are always possible,
    just by rotating the basis vectors.

So if one chooses a basis where the cat is simultaneously alive and dead, is this a problem for QM? AG

No problem for QM -- one does it all the time. It might not be the most useful basis, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. In general, however, one has a 'preferred basis'; a basis which is stable against environmental decoherence -- the one corresponding to what one actually sees in the laboratory.


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