On Monday, August 13, 2018 at 11:06:22 PM UTC, Brent wrote:
> On 8/13/2018 3:20 PM, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> If you start with impossible initial conditions you get impossible 
>>> results.  Doesn't mean the theory is wrong.
>>> Brent
>> What are the impossible initial conditions? AG
>> You apparently contemplated a perfectly plane wave, so that it extends to 
>> infinity and yet meets an infinite screen in finite time.
> *I'm not sure. Wouldn't any spherical wave impacting the screen extend as 
> far as the length of the screen, hence infinitely distant? AG *
> You illustrate my point by immediately abandoning one idealized initial 
> condition by posing another idealization. Engineers and scientists realize 
> they are always calculating with idealizations.  Only mathematicians and 
> metaphysicians think the idealizations of their symbol manipulation is 
> reality.

*You should have responded to my second post which immediately followed and 
corrected my above comment. But why do that, when you can respond to an 
error on my part? Thus, important realization for me: if the wave is 
spherical, it can't impact the screen instantaneously.  AGNow, as to my 
second comment, the one you ignored, doesn't the wf for a free particle 
manifest its reality, whatever that might be, through infinite space since 
we can calculate its probability density for any x (using 1-dimensional 
model), no matter how far removed? Here I'm interested in what the 
principles of QM imply, not what some engineer can or cannot do. AG*
As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not
certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to
        -- Albert Einstein


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