> On 24 Jan 2019, at 09:29, agrayson2...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 11:54:43 AM UTC, agrays...@gmail.com 
> <http://gmail.com/> wrote:
> On Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 9:56:17 AM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 18 Jan 2019, at 18:50, agrays...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>> On Friday, January 18, 2019 at 12:09:58 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 17 Jan 2019, at 14:48, agrays...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 12:36:07 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>>> On 17 Jan 2019, at 09:33, agrays...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>>>> On Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 3:58:48 AM UTC, Brent wrote:
>>>> On 1/16/2019 7:25 PM, agrays...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 6:12:43 AM UTC, Brent wrote:
>>>>> On 1/13/2019 9:51 PM, agrays...@gmail.com <> wrote:
>>>>>> This means, to me, that the arbitrary phase angles have absolutely no 
>>>>>> effect on the resultant interference pattern which is observed. But 
>>>>>> isn't this what the phase angles are supposed to effect? AG
>>>>> The screen pattern is determined by relative phase angles for the 
>>>>> different paths that reach the same point on the screen.  The relative 
>>>>> angles only depend on different path lengths, so the overall phase angle 
>>>>> is irrelevant.
>>>>> Brent
>>>>> Sure, except there areTWO forms of phase interference in Wave Mechanics; 
>>>>> the one you refer to above, and another discussed in the Stackexchange 
>>>>> links I previously posted. In the latter case, the wf is expressed as a 
>>>>> superposition, say of two states, where we consider two cases; a 
>>>>> multiplicative complex phase shift is included prior to the sum, and 
>>>>> different complex phase shifts multiplying each component, all of the 
>>>>> form e^i (theta). Easy to show that interference exists in the latter 
>>>>> case, but not the former. Now suppose we take the inner product of the wf 
>>>>> with the ith eigenstate of the superposition, in order to calculate the 
>>>>> probability of measuring the eigenvalue of the ith eigenstate, applying 
>>>>> one of the postulates of QM, keeping in mind that each eigenstate is 
>>>>> multiplied by a DIFFERENT complex phase shift.  If we further assume the 
>>>>> eigenstates are mutually orthogonal, the probability of measuring each 
>>>>> eigenvalue does NOT depend on the different phase shifts. What happened 
>>>>> to the interference demonstrated by the Stackexchange links? TIA, AG 
>>>> Your measurement projected it out. It's like measuring which slit the 
>>>> photon goes through...it eliminates the interference.
>>>> Brent
>>>> That's what I suspected; that going to an orthogonal basis, I departed 
>>>> from the examples in Stackexchange where an arbitrary superposition is 
>>>> used in the analysis of interference. Nevertheless, isn't it possible to 
>>>> transform from an arbitrary superposition to one using an orthogonal 
>>>> basis? And aren't all bases equivalent from a linear algebra pov? If all 
>>>> bases are equivalent, why would transforming to an orthogonal basis lose 
>>>> interference, whereas a general superposition does not? TIA, AG
>>> I don’t understand this. All the bases we have used all the time are 
>>> supposed to be orthonormal bases. We suppose that the scalar product (e_i 
>>> e_j) = delta_i_j, when presenting the Born rule, and the quantum formalism.
>>> Bruno
>>> Generally, bases in a vector space are NOT orthonormal. 
>> Right. But we can always build an orthonormal base with a decent scalar 
>> product, like in Hilbert space, 
>>> For example, in the vector space of vectors in the plane, any pair of 
>>> non-parallel vectors form a basis. Same for any general superposition of 
>>> states in QM. HOWEVER, eigenfunctions with distinct eigenvalues ARE 
>>> orthogonal.
>> Absolutely. And when choosing a non degenerate observable/measuring-device, 
>> we work in the base of its eigenvectors. A superposition is better seen as a 
>> sum of some eigenvectors of some observable. That is the crazy thing in QM. 
>> The same particle can be superposed in the state of being here and there. 
>> Two different positions of one particle can be superposed.
>> This is a common misinterpretation. Just because a wf can be expressed in 
>> different ways (as a vector in the plane can be expressed in uncountably 
>> many different bases), doesn't mean a particle can exist in different 
>> positions in space at the same time. AG
> It has a non null amplitude of probability of being here and there at the 
> same time, like having a non null amplitude of probability of going through 
> each slit in the two slits experience.
> If not, you can’t explain the inference patterns, especially in the photon 
> self-interference.
>> Using a non orthonormal base makes only things more complex. 
>>> I posted a link to this proof a few months ago. IIRC, it was on its 
>>> specifically named thread. AG
>> But all this makes my point. A vector by itself cannot be superposed, but 
>> can be seen as the superposition of two other vectors, and if those are 
>> orthonormal, that gives by the Born rule the probability to obtain the 
>> "Eigen result” corresponding to the measuring apparatus with Eigen vectors 
>> given by that orthonormal base.
>> I’m still not sure about what you would be missing.
>> You would be missing the interference! Do the math. Calculate the 
>> probability density of a wf expressed as a superposition of orthonormal 
>> eigenstates, where each component state has a different phase angle. All 
>> cross terms cancel out due to orthogonality,
> ?  Sin(alpha) up + cos(alpha) down has sin^2(alpha) probability to be fin up, 
> and cos^2(alpha) probability to be found down, but has probability one being 
> found in the Sin(alpha) up + cos(alpha) down state, which would not be the 
> case with a mixture of sin^2(alpha) proportion of up with cos^2(alpha) down 
> particles.
> Si, I don’t see what we would loss the interference terms.
>> and the probability density does not depend on the phase differences.  What 
>> you get seems to be the classical probability density. AG 
> I miss something here. I don’t understand your argument. It seems to 
> contradict basic QM (the Born rule). 
> Suppose we want to calculate the probability density of a superposition 
> consisting of orthonormal eigenfunctions,

Distinct eigenvalue correspond to orthonormal vector, so I tend to always 
superpose only orthonormal functions, related to those eigenvalue. 

> each multiplied by some amplitude and some arbitrary phase shift.

like  (a up + b down), but of course we need a^2 + b^2 = 1. You need to be sure 
that you have normalised the superposition to be able to apply the Born rule.

> If we take the norm squared using Born's Rule, don't all the cross terms zero 
> out due to orthonormality?


The Born rule tell you that you will find up with probability a^2, and down 
with probability b^2

> Aren't we just left with the SUM OF NORM SQUARES of each component of the 
> superposition? YES or NO?

If you measure in the base (a up + b down, a up -b down). In that case you get 
the probability 1 for the state above.

> If YES, the resultant probability density doesn't depend on any of the phase 
> angles. AG
> YES or NO? AG 

Yes, if you measure if the state is a up + b down or a up - b down.
No, if you measure the if the state is just up or down


> Bruno
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