On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 4:35 PM 'Brent Meeker'  <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> * > But nobody paid him to become a rabid anti-semite. *

Historically very few anti Semites, even even rabid anti Semites,  kill
Jews or pay someone to kill Jews for them unless they are part of a

*> there are lots of people who will murder jews for free. *

There are some but not "lots", and if we're discussing the relative merits
of various political systems it's irrelevant because psychos will exist in
in all of them; the question is what system best protect us from them.  And
I just don't see any scenario under anrcho-libertarianism were it would be
possible for 40 million Germans to murder 6 million Jews.

 John K Clark


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