On Sun, Sep 8, 2019, 3:15 PM John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 8, 2019 at 8:21 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote
> >> if the computational capacity of the universe is finite (and I'm not
>> saying it is I'm saying if) then n+1 can NOT always be divided by 2 and
>> Euclid was flat out wrong.
>> *> You cannot invoke your personal ontological commitment in a domain
>> which does not assume it.*
> To hell with personal ontological commitments, the only thing I'm
> "invoking" is the idea that if something can't be done then something
> can't be done. And the great thing about tautologies is that all of them
> are always 100% true.

1. How do you know when something can't be done? If we can't factor some
number in this universe you haven't proved there's not a bigger universe
elsewhere where it can be factored.  Either way you are forced to define
your ontology.

> *> Numbers can change all the time. *
> So you keep saying, and yet you can't answer the simplest questions
> concerning that. If 7 changes to 8 does that mean the number 7 no longer
> exists? Are there now two integer 8's and how can one be distinguished from
> the other?

2. Imagine a Turing machine that spit out the tape like a receipt and
created a new copy to work on before it changed any bit on the tape. This
machine is still universal is it not?  You could run a conscious AI on it,
could you not?  What is the Turing machine changing? All states it reaches
continue to exist unchanged.

>> > *“Primary” means, as I said often: “in need to be assumed”.*
> So you think mathematics needs to be assumed while I think physics needs
> to be assumed. That could be an interesting debate but it's irrelevant if
> we're talking about computation or intelagent behavior or consciousness.
> After both you and me have made our assumptions then we both need to work
> out the consequences of those assumptions, so eventually we'll both come to
> physics, and then chemistry, and then biology, and then humans making
> physical Turing Machines.  Regardless of if we start with numbers or the
> quark gluon plasma of the Big Bang it doesn't matter because neither are
> conducive with intelligence or consciousness, although the consequences of
> those things may be after 13.8 billion years.
>> > Which is what you do to say that not all odd numbers + 1 are divisible
>> by 2,
> I said that would be true *IF* the computational capacity of the
> expanding accelerating universe is finite, and I don't know if it is or
> isn't.
>> > *you confuse the mathematical reality with the physical reality, which
>> is basically Aristotle Metaphysics.*
> And that is my cue to skip to the next paragraph because nothing
> intelagent ever follows.

3. Which do you regard as the higher ideal, never being wrong or the
pursuit of truth?


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