But maybe there is a kind of experience that cannot be simulated in a 
dream, for reasons having to do for example with consciousnesses 

On Thursday, 14 November 2019 20:49:28 UTC+2, Philip Thrift wrote:
> From the perspective of *experiential realism (ER)*
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/everything-list/5Vzj0mFW4KM/_qZECzTTAwAJ
> the experience that occurs in a dream *could be the same* as an 
> experience that occurs when awake.
> Say the experience is DaCoT = drinking a cup of tea (the feel of the cup, 
> the warmth and taste of the tea).
> A tea drinker knows a DaCoT experience when awake. They could have a DaCoT 
> experience in a dream.
> (This presumes experiences are real in the sense of ER.)
> @philipthrift
> On Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 3:50:45 AM UTC-6, Cosmin Visan wrote:
>> What would be a sure phenomenon that can help us distinguish between 
>> dreams and "real world" ? Because no matter how illogical a dream world 
>> might be, this doesn't make us realize that we are in a dream. So the 
>> randomness of a dream world is not a phenomenon that can help us 
>> distinguish between dreams and "real world". What I'm thinking that can 
>> help us make the discrimination is the phenomenon of sense disappearance. 
>> If we keep a sense on only 1 stimulus, eventually we will stop perceiving 
>> the stimulus. For example, if we hold our hand on the leg of a girl, at 
>> first it is pleasant, but after a time we will stop feeling anything. We 
>> will have to pet the leg of the girl in order to feel it again. Would such 
>> a phenomenon happen in dreams ? If not, then this would be a distinguishing 
>> hallmark between dreams and "real world". Do you have other ideas ?

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