On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 7:38 PM Tomas Pales <litewav...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 2:36:38 AM UTC+2 Bruce wrote:
> Much as I respect Russell, his book is not an authoritative source for
>> anything. It is all rampant speculation.
>> On the matter of the stability of laws and the connection with
>> simplicity, I refer you to the 'grue/bleen' paradox introduced by Nelson
>> Goodman. That shows that the idea of simplicity as an explanation for
>> anything is misplaced.
> Note that the relation between simplicity and frequency is not Russell's
> speculation but a fact following from Kolmogorov's definition of
> complexity: simpler objects are more frequent than more complex objects
> because the same simpler object is contained in less simple objects.

This is only if everything is considered to be a bit string. There is no
reason to suppose that this is true.

> This fact is then used in Solomonoff's theory of induction:
> "Solomonoff induction is an ideal answer to questions like "What probably
> comes next in the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8?" or "Given the last three
> years of visual data from this webcam, what will this robot probably see
> next?" or "Will the sun rise tomorrow?" Solomonoff induction requires
> infinite computing power, and is defined by taking every computable
> algorithm for giving a probability distribution over future data given past
> data, weighted by their algorithmic simplicity
> <https://arbital.com/p/Kolmogorov_complexity/>, and updating those
> weights by comparison to the actual data."

What a load of garbage! Science is not a matter of induction from observed
data. Goodman's grue/bleen paradox puts paid to that idea. Algorithmic
simplicity has nothing to do with real world data.


> https://arbital.com/p/solomonoff_induction

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