On Sunday, June 27, 2021 at 2:29:38 PM UTC+2 Bruce wrote:

> The problem with that is that it is dependent on the language in which you 
> express things. The string 'amcjdhapihrib;f' is quite comples. But I can 
> define Z = amcjdhapihrib;f', and Z is algorithmically much simpler. 
> Kolmogorov complexity is a useful concept only if you compare things in the 
> same language. And there is no  unique language in which to describe nature.

Complexity is a property of structure, so if we want to explore complexity 
of real-world objects indirectly, that is, in representations of the 
real-world objects rather than in the real-world objects themselves, we 
must make sure that the representations preserve the structure and thus the 
complexity of the real-world objects. So there must be some systematic, 
isomorphic mapping between the real-world objects and their representations 
- a common language for describing (representing) the real world objects. 
It seems that one such language could be binary strings of 0s and 1s, at 
least this approach has been very successful in digital technology.

Another way of isomorphic representation of the structure of real-world 
objects that is even more similar to the structure of real-world objects is 
set theory since real-world objects are collections of collections of 
collections etc.

> What is science a matter of then?
> Maybe it is a matter of finding laws. And laws are not just 
> empirical generalizations obtained by induction.

Sure, but how do we know that our world has laws that will hold in the 
future when it seems possible and even likely that they will not (because 
there are many ways that the world could deviate from the past laws in the 

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