I am rather disappointed that Biden took seriously "the negotiation" 
between Trump and the Talibans, which is more like bandits collaboration. I 
was rather angry with respect to trump's isolationism, and it is sad that 
Biden follows him on this.I was hoping that America stays much longer in 
Afghanistan, and fight against the corruption which put the democracy at 
risk, and we know see, as the Afghans literally let the Taliban take all 
controls. It will be very hard for the woman and kids who got a taste of 
democracy. The Talibans are worst than ISIS, and I think that this event is 
again a major catastrophe for *all* democracies. Biden felt in a major trap 
left by Trump, imo. They forget the rule: never negotiate with a terrorist, 
because that empowers them. I fear for the Pakistan, who has its own 
Taliban, which celebrate this "victory", and will get more power from this. 

On Wednesday, August 18, 2021 at 12:47:49 PM UTC+2 johnk...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 3:22 PM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:
>> *>>> Trump would have never permitted this replay of Miss Saigon.*
>>> >>Permitted? What magical thing do you think he would've done to 
>>> prevent it?  Trump said all during his administration that we should get 
>>> out of Afghanistan, although for 4 years he never had the guts to 
>>> actually do so, but if reelected he said he do it in May, so do you 
>>> think he would now cancel the pull out and send in an additional 30,000 
>>> American troops and keep them in Afghanistan forever? Or do you think he'd 
>>> just get mad and drop an H-Bomb on Kabul?
>> *> I think that possibility dwelt only within your brain John. Most No 
>> Trumpers never mentioned this possibility even during arguments.*
> More than 200 retired generals, admirals endorse Biden, including some who 
> served under Trump 
> <https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/more-200-retired-generals-admirals-endorse-biden-including-some-who-n1240842>
>> *> His manhood is never something that bothered me about his character," 
>> since I am not big on moralism*
> I'm not talking about Trump's habit of sneaking into the dressing rooms of 
> teenage beauty contest contestants or how he liked to "*Grab them by the 
> pussy. You can do anything. When you're a star they let you do it. You can 
> do anything*." ; I was talking about him throwing around H bombs if he 
> thought a foreign leader had implied he had a small dick and no balls, and 
> you indicated such behavior by Trump would be entirely im character under 
> those circumstances. And you also indicated you would approve of such 
> behavior. And that's why Donald Trump's continued existence does not bode 
> well for the continued existence of the human race. And that's why you are 
> a member of something that 20 years ago would've been called "the lunatic 
> fringe", but today you can just be called a "mainstream Republican".
> > *and suspect that like Hunter Biden* [,,,]
> Speaking of presidential offspring, I'll take Hunter Biden over Don Junior 
> or Eric any day!  
>> *> On Joe's universally condemned fuck up, with Afghanistan, there's 
>> nothing either of us can do now. *
> Certainly the Afghanistan government collapsed much quicker than Joe 
> expected, much faster than I expected, I think even faster than the Taliban 
> expected. I knew it would be fast but I didn't know it would be 
> instantaneous. I think Obama missed an opportunity to get out of 
> Afghanistan in 2011 when he killed Osama bin Laden, after all the original 
> reason for entering Afghanistan in the first place was that after 911 the 
> Taliban gave him safe harbor and refused to turn him over to us for trial, 
> but we couldn't find him and so over the years mission creep started and 
> the new goal was to turn Afghanistan into a Jeffersonian democracy, and 
> that was just never going to work. But of course if Obama had done it and 
> actually gotten out of Afghanistan in 2011 the Republicans would have 
> crucified him. So yes, Kabul does look like Saigon in 1975, but maybe there 
> is just no elegant way to lose a war.  
> John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>
> nbc

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