On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 3:10 PM <spudboy...@aol.com> wrote:

*> As the mechanics of human mitochondria become better understood, we as a
> species will employ even better medicines, post infection, in neutralizing
> the virus's effects.   *

No doubt, but those scientific advances will do stupid people absolutely no
good because they'd be just too stupid to make use of them. Stupidity is
the reason 200,000 Americans died unnecessarily in the last 8 months; not
surprisingly most of them were Trump supporters because if somebody is
stupid enough to think a man like Trump would make a good president then
they're stupid enough not to get a life-saving vaccine.

And Spud, if 6.33 billion people take that pill you were talking about do
you really imagine you won't be reading any articles on the Internet about
that pill giving somebody a bad reaction?

John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis



> *> Actually JC, you don't read what I submit anyway.*
> The difference between you and me is that I do read something before I
> submit it to the list,  but now I know for a fact that you do not because
> the CDC link you submitted was making the exact opposite point of the point
> you were trying to make.
> *> "I don't have time to read all that!" a quote.*
> It's true I don't read every link you submit because I know from
> experience the more links you give in a post the less likely any of them
> are worth a damn. When I challenged you to give me one single example of
> corporate censorship you regurgitated about 12, I strongly suspected that
> you simply typed in the words "corporate censorship"  into a search engine
> and then just copied out  the first dozen links it churned out. My
> suspicion turned out to be correct because when I insisted you go through
> your long list and find the single strongest one for me to read it was
> indeed worthless because a book publisher declining to print a book by a
> known traitor is not an example of censorship, corporate or otherwise.
> Nobody, not even a traitor, has a constitutional right to demand that
> somebody else print their book.
> *> Also the article did indicate that yeah there are people who suffer bad
> reactions to the vaccines, and fortunately for us, these are very rare.*
> They are incredibly rare, and none of those bad reactions turned out to be
> fatal.  I very much doubt that new pill you like so much will have a
> lower bad reaction rate than the vaccine because I can't think of any
> medicine that has a lower bad reaction rate than the vaccine, not even
> aspirin.
> *> A death is a death. I am sure your statements about vaccines will be
> sufficient to condole the grieving and allay the fears of the reticent.
> Yeah, Buddy!*
> No, I'm not going to let you cover over ridiculous illogic and monumental
> stupidity with a thin veneer of emotion. 6.33 BILLION vaccine shots have
> been administered and not a single death has been unambiguously attributed
> to taking that shot, but 4,816,256 deaths have been unambiguously
> attributed to *NOT* taking the shot.
>  Somebody must  get to the other side of a deep gorge and there is a
> well-maintained modern steel suspension bridge over it, but they refuse
> to take it because however strong the bridge may be there will always be a
> non-zero possibility that it will collapse just as they're in the middle of
> it. They refuse to take the slightest risk even if it's infinitesimally
> tiny, but they must get to the other side so out of an abundance of caution
> they decide to ignore the bridge and get to the other side by jumping over
> the gorge on their motorcycle Evel Knievel style just to play it safe.
> If that's not an example of being as dumb as dog shit what the hell is?
> cqx
> \

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