On 3/2/2022 2:34 PM, Tomas Pales wrote:

On Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 10:54:50 PM UTC+1 meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

    On 3/2/2022 1:42 PM, Tomas Pales wrote:

    On Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 10:07:22 PM UTC+1
    meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

        On 3/2/2022 12:58 PM, Tomas Pales wrote:

        On Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 9:11:34 PM UTC+1
        meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

            On 3/2/2022 2:41 AM, Tomas Pales wrote:

            On Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 4:28:48 AM UTC+1
            meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

                On 3/1/2022 4:00 PM, Tomas Pales wrote:

                On Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:17:43 AM UTC+1
                meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

                    On 3/1/2022 1:59 PM, Tomas Pales wrote:

                    On Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 8:14:31 PM UTC+1
                    meeke...@gmail.com wrote:

                    But before we can assess whether something
                    has a consistent description we need to
                    specify the description precisely. With a
                    vague description we may be missing an
                    inconsistency lurking somewhere in it or
                    there may appear to be an inconsistency that
                    is not really there. For example, if we try
                    to describe a quantum object in terms of
                    classical physics the description will not
                    be precise enough and the assumptions
                    inherent in those terms will be
                    contradictory. The ideal description would
                    reveal the complete structure of the object
                    down to empty sets but we can't physically
                    probe objects around us to that level.

                        I think that's a cheat.   It's not that
                        classical physics was imprecise.  It was
                        just wrong.  QM and Newtonian mechanics
                        even have different ontologies.  If
                        you're wrong about the subject matter no
                        amount of logic will correct that. Logic
                        only explicates what is implicit in the
                        premises.  It's a cheat to appeal to an
                        ideal description when you have no way of
                        producing such a description  or knowing
                        if you have achieved it or even knowing
                        whether one exists .

                    It's not a cheat, it's a complete
                    mathematical description. Every mathematical
                    structure can be ultimately described as a
                    pure set. Classical physics and quantum
                    physics have not been described as pure sets
                    and so they are not complete mathematical
                    descriptions. The fact that it is not
                    feasible for us to achieve such a description
                    of physical structures doesn't mean that it
                    doesn't exist.

                    And the fact that you can form a sentence
                    using the word doesn't mean it exists either.

                Which word?

                "Complete" mathematical description.

            I said it because according to set theory every
            mathematical structure can be reduced to a pure set. So
            a pure set would be a complete mathematical description
            of any object. It basically means that an object is
            analyzed down to its smallest parts (empty sets). This
            internal structure of the object also establishes all
            the object's relations to all other objects, including
            for example the relation of "insurability" between a
            car and insurance providers.

            Which means you are assuming the world is a mathematical
            structure.  In other words begging the question.

        Yeah, I am assuming that things constitute collections -
        that's what a mathematical structure is. What other kind of
        structure can there be?

        Don't you see that "things" and "collections" are concepts we
        impose on the world.  Didn't you notice when the whole
        ontology of the world shifted from particles to fields?  No? 
        Did you see metphysicians rushing to revise their world views?

    And the concept of "collections" obviously corresponds to the
    world. After all, how could it be otherwise? If there are two
    somethings they automatically constitute a collection of two
    somethings. Particles or fields, whatever - they have
    mathematical descriptions and mathematical descriptions are in
    principle reducible to pure sets.

    One of their mathematical descriptions used to be that two
    different something could not be in the same place at the same
    time.  That two identical things must be the same thing.  It's
    just logic.

But mathematics doesn't demand that you can't associate different sets with the same location in a topological space. They chose to describe objects that cannot be associated with the same location in spacetime because it worked in classical physics... until more precise measurements showed that some objects in our world (bosons) are not like that. Two things with all the same properties are one thing. Two exact copies are not the same thing because they differ in one property - their position in reality (and thus in their relations to other things).

    Yes, all mathematical descriptions can be reduced to sets and
    relations.  I'm told they can also be reduced to categories, but
    haven't studied category theory.  Russell and Whitehead thought
    they can be reduced to logic.  And things admit of mathematical
    description.  But you've leaped over all that to things*are *their
    mathematical description.

Things correspond to a mathematical description.

Then we agree that things and their mathematical descriptions are not identities.  I contend that the difference is that some mathematical descriptions have no referent.


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